During my time abroad in Aix en Provance, France I observed through the lived experience with my hosts, through conversations with my peers, and in my public interactions that young adults in their mid-to-late twenties often live with their parents or in a family home. In addition to the more obvious motives for this lifestyle,…
Blog post #2
One aspect of French culture that has stood out to me while studying abroad here has been the importance placed on long lunches. When I first arrived, it caught me off guard that many businesses around town close for a few hours during the lunch hours of the day. Both food and the benefits of…
Blog Post #1
For better or for worse, living for the future instead of in the present is a prominent way of living in American culture. Often we choose or are encouraged to make sacrifices in our present realities to ensure future security. Sometimes this strategy is productive. For example, applying restraint or discipline in areas such as…