I have been in the US for almost a week now and it has been great to be able to see all my friends and family during this Thanksgiving break. I think it is most definitely safe to say that an individuals identity has a lot of influence on their global experience. I can easily say…
Author: jschmidt@rollins.edu
Dunedin to Wellington (and an important message)
I am currently sitting in the airport with all my luggage, leaving Dunedin officially and heading to Wellington for a week to shadow at a medical imaging office. Last week I was in Sydney visiting a friend who lives there and I absolutely loved the city. Sydney may have been my favorite place that I have…
10 Days Left
I am currently 10 days away from my last final and 5 away from my fist. This semester has flew by and I can not believe it is almost over. I have been in full study mode the past week or so it is the only thing that has been on my mind recently. Prior to…
Spring Break and Swimming with Whales
Although this post is a little over due, I had an unbelievable spring break experience in the Kingdom of Tonga which is a small set of pacific islands not too far from Fiji. I went with a few mates from my abroad group and we stayed in a small house, on the main island, in…
New Zealand Bound
In just two days I will be starting a 5+ month adventure to New Zealand while studying at the University of Otago… and of course I waited until the last minute to start packing (which is what I will be doing when I finish this blog post). I have never really traveled for an extended…