Just came back from marble-carving workshop after the pre-departure meeting for the upcoming field trip to Cyprus and only just finished unpacking this morning from last week’s school trip to the Peloponnese. Word to the Wise: Pick and choose which optional activities to be involved with. Do some, it keeps you sane, but not all,…
Author: kkeller@rollins.edu
First Weekend in Athens!
Yes, yes, that title is accurate and referring to this weekend, and I did arrive in Athens way back at the end of August. But, due to all the required, optional, extra, and self-arranged trips, this has been my first weekend in Athens itself. It was quite nice, and for anyone else thinking of doing…
And, I’m Off…
Wooh, and Yikes, and Wow, and (insert random, probably applicable emotion here). Finally, I’m on my way to Greece. Not my first flight, nor my first international flight, nor my first flight without my family, nor even my first flight to the Old World. However, it is my first trip to Greece in particular, the…