I cannot believe it has already been three weeks in Münster. Naturally, once a groove is set, it is easy to lose oneself in routine. For most of the week, I had honestly done exactly that. Being in class for 6 hours a day is pretty draining, so most of the time outside of the…
Author: lbohmer@rollins.edu
Münster, Week 2
I was so thrilled to be in Münster at such a time. So many events were/are taking place here that it almost feels like providence for me to experience all of them. A few days ago was the Münster Flohmarkt, the biggest outdoor flea market in Europe that exists for one night, then vanishes. It…
Münster, Week 1
Münster is a truly unique city. I have been here a grand total of 4 days and I feel as though it is one of the most uniquely German cities I have ever visited. I have been to Germany twice before, and everywhere I went, save a few small Dörfer (villages), were incredibly cosmopolitan. When…