Late November to Christmas is as this song says ‘it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Well not if you’re away from home. Although I will say that me being the resourceful person I am had Friendsgiving con los papis from Spain who are here for one semester, and therefore still have life in…
Cigarettes on cigarettes, my mama think I stank
Smoking here in Germany is very common, so common in fact that I have gotten used to the second hand smoke, and when we do go out the smell always stains my clothes. Maybe I should pick better friends to be around but nah. As of today, my favorite quote has been this “Mauricio tobacco…
Letter 2 Hochschule Orientation, and the unexpected five days before Hocschule(ll), Sometime in September
Word count: 481 So my in my time here in Germany, all expectations have not been met. Also before I explain myself IF YOU’RE READING THIS SEND TWO ORDERS OF BUTTER CHICKEN FROM TAMARIND. So in the time before Hochschule orientation and the end of the German intensive course we had a Friday-Tuesday break, Hochschule…
Letter 3 God, Jesus, and Mike Ditka I miss sports, Sometime in October
Word count: 426 So being Brazilian, you’d think I’d care about soccer here in Germany. But I could really care less about the Bundesliga, and honestly if it’s not my crappy division three soccer team from Bahia in Brazil I could care less about the beautiful game. However in the defense of the Bundesliga division…
Letter 1 German intensive course first two weeks, Sometime in September
Word count: 449 My first two weeks here in Germany have passed, and I must say the pre game stretch was good. So before Hochschule started, I wanted to be responsible and sharpen my German before hand. Therefore I enrolled in a free intensive two week language course as provided by Hochschule, and it was…
Letter 4 The current state of Hochschule sometime in October
Word count: 401 So fall is upon us, and let me tell you growing up in Florida I was excited to see the change in foliage, which all my Northeastern friends have spoken to me about. The only problem is it’s not the same change in foliage you might throw up on Instagram. This…
Germany bound
And so my trip begins So August 25st has finally come around. It is finally the day to fly to Germany. It was an extra long summer break seeing as how my fall semester would start once I arrived in Germany. The future is bleak and I don’t know what to expect, but the pressure is good for…
Dear diary, One of the biggest things that has interested me is the cultural communication, here in Germany. Not only in speaking German, but also in what is considered ok to demonstrate or speak about. In the U.S. There are various rules about what can be advertised and demonstrated to the people. One of…
Journal entry zwei
Dear Diary, So it’s been two weeks since I have arrived here and Germany, and now I think I’m starting to become German. Not only am I speaking German with people in school or at home, but I am also becoming accustomed to the German way of living. There are big differences here that…