I never thought coming back from abroad I would be so happy to be home. Jacobs seems almost like a distant blur, and thank god for that. One of the biggest surprises coming back from abroad would be the reverse culture shock. During my first week at Jacobs we did intercultural training (because it is an…
Author: nhayes@rollins.edu
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Part 2
Okay, so I will admit I was being a bit dramatic with that title (and with what I originally wrote to post for part 2). You know how at least once a semester you have a breakdown because you think you’re going to fail all of your classes, and then no one will ever hire…
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Part 1
In this two part blog I will be discussing the good, the bad, and the ugly of studying abroad at Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany. *Spoiler Alert: it’s mostly ugly* In part 1, I will tell you about why I decided to spend a semester 5,000 miles away from home. I want to tell you…
Germany: Expectations vs Reality
Studying abroad is nothing like what I expected. This statement comes with some good and some bad, I’ll start with the bad. Jacobs University is a fairly secluded campus in northern Germany. To get to the nearest major city, downtown Bremen, you must take a 30-minute train. Although there isn’t much to do downtown Bremen…
Going to Germany
The few months before leaving for abroad, you go on a rollercoaster of emotions. First, there was happiness. In the spring, when all of your friends who went abroad come back to Rollins and tell you about the most amazing experience they had. Then follows FOMO, or fear of missing out, when you realize that…