This semester abroad has been an eye-opening experience in so many ways. Transitioning from life in the United States to life in the United Kingdom has been amazing, but also challenging. A cultural aspect that took some adjusting to was the difference in apparel worn. In the United States, athletic wear is a very popular…
Cultural Confrontation: UK CAPA Blog #2
Cultural confrontation was a common occurrence in my initial time abroad in the UK. Adjusting to any new culture you are unaccustomed to is often times difficult and very frustrating. The main experience I think back to is the adjustment to the tube, and London’s system of public transportation. I found this topic to be…
London CAPA Blog #1
As I prepare to embark on my London study abroad program as an American-born citizen, I see many similarities and differences between our two cultures. This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I have been looking forward to. While still uncertain about what I will be met with regarding UK culture upon my arrival, I…