Ladies and gents it has been a TIME AND A HALF since we have last hung out! How is everyone? (Hi Nat, Luke and Jack!) I have been dancing through life these past couple weeks in Greece doing super Greek things- so much so that when I look in the mirror I start to see…
Category: Greece: CYA Athens
Go the Distance
I have now been in Greece for three weeks and am still overwhelmed by the history and personality this country has to offer. My program/life is based in Athens but we go on field trips every few weeks to visit exactly what we have been studying- amazing huh? Two weeks ago we went to Delphi…
Taken from before we left
In addition to this blog, I’ve been keeping a written journal of my experiences this semester. I like the intimacy that comes with actually writing down my thoughts, it helps me meditate on my feelings. I’m taking a bit from journal while I was in the airport on 8-27. “Leaving Dad back at security was…
A Star is Born
Anxious. Excited. Exhausted. Those three words describe how I was feeling right before I left my sweet little beach town of Naples, FL to the bustling metropolis of Athens, Greece. I said goodbye to my sisters and pets then hopped in the car to Miami where all I could do was blow a kiss to…
Pre-departure to Athens, Greece!
Hello! My name is Paulina Martinez, a history and religion major, and I’ll be studying abroad in Athens, Greece in the upcoming semester. I’m originally from Mexico, but have lived internationally my whole life, so the experience of starting new in a foreign country is somewhat familiar. That said, I am unusually nervous, whilst excited…
And, I’m Off…
Wooh, and Yikes, and Wow, and (insert random, probably applicable emotion here). Finally, I’m on my way to Greece. Not my first flight, nor my first international flight, nor my first flight without my family, nor even my first flight to the Old World. However, it is my first trip to Greece in particular, the…
Athens Pre-departure Post
I leave tomorrow morning (8/27) for Athens, Greece to spend the fall semester at CYA (College Year in Athens). I’ve been anticipating this day ever since I filled out my study abroad application in February and the day has almost come! I am writing this post while sitting on the train to the palace of Versailles…
One Week Home
After being home for a week, I have now had sufficient time to reflect on my study abroad experience. Adjusting to real life has truly been a bittersweet experience. Although there were many things I missed about the US and my home, I am now dealing with the missing my new found second home, Athens….
End of the Semester Blues
As my classes here in Greece finally come to a close, I am looking ahead to finals and wondering where the semester went. Although everyone told me that my study abroad semester would fly by, I didn’t expect it to in a blink of an eye. I sit here and recap all of the amazing…
Spring Break Fever
As our semester finally begins to wind down at College Year in Athens, it is exciting and bittersweet to see our spring break on the horizon. Unlike most programs, our break is reserved for the end of the semester to align with the Greek Orthodox Easter, and leaves us with only a few weeks of classes…