As I am in my final week of being in Newcastle, Australia- what I am feeling is the most unexplainable feeling that I have ever felt. It is sort of like that bittersweet feeling that I had before I left america, when leaving to come to Australia. Although I am excited to come home and…
Category: Australia: TEAN at Newcastle
Spring break recap
Spring break in October? I think yes! And it being two weeks?? Absolutely awesome! You can definitely say it was spent tremendously well. The first week of break was spent in Canberra (the capital of Australia). Well first off, I definitely thought the capital was Sydney?? But I guess not! Seeing the capital city was…
Australia or Whoville
Given I have spent about 4 months in Australia already, I can say without a doubt that I have experienced Cultural Confrontation, Cultural Adjustment, Cultural Adaptation, and Cultural Euphoria. I experienced a very intense sensation of cultural confrontation even just upon arrival at the university. It was close to impossible to not feel like an…
Curtis S. Chin
The statements made by Curtis S. Chin are not only broad generalizations, but they are also pessimistic and potentially ignorant in nature (in that this frame of thinking can be applied to any facet of life and/ or education). While studying abroad might not be “essential to a good education”, it is important to define…
what a time to be alive
For the past couple months, I have had a large array of emotions. From feeling on top of the world, to feeling like I am at the most lost state I’ve ever been in, this journey has been one of the most unique experiences of my life. I absolutely LOVE Aussie land. I have found…
Searching for guidance
As I begin to dive into the wonderful world of studying, I am lost to find any sort of guidance when it comes to planning my assignments, finding extra help with classes, obtaining outside information in classes, and everything in between. A month into school and I am truly valuing the educational opportunities Rollins provides…
What you ACTUALLY learn in Study Abroad
This is a secret. I write now in a class; even my favorite class cannot hold my attention on this day. Therefore, I must write down my whirlwind brain thoughts and attempt to capture them. I am writing for little reason other than thought itself, but am hopeful it spits out something worth reading. I…
Bali or Bust
I write in sunshine; blue skies surround me and I exist in an air of true bliss. I have made it to Bali. I surely thought the day would never arrive, but break is here and I have made it. I am so content with the fact that I worked hard enough to get here…
Heading to Australia
The time leading up to my departure was the definition of anxiety. The knotted stomach, the neck sweat and nervous hands. I was leaving for a land down under all alone, travelling alone and taking a completely autonomous step in my future as a budding adult. I finally reached the day of departure and made…
Pre-Departure Aussie Trip
In general, I think one’s identity is the only lens in which a person can see and experience the world through. No matter what experience a person is having, they are bound to compare it with past experiences they have had in order to gain a better (subjective) understanding of their current situation. Because of…