Since arriving in London almost a month ago, I feel like I have adjusted wonderfully to city life and British culture. To be transparent, I do not think I have faced many cultural confrontations while here. Some of the aspects of London that friends had warned me about, like navigating ‘the tube’, have been easy…
Category: UK: Queen Mary Univ
Pre-Departure Blog: Queen Mary University
As I prepare to depart to London next week, I find myself reflecting on the cultural experiences I have had as an American. I have never traveled outside of the United States, which I believe will make my study abroad experience unique and exciting. Although I am nervous, I look forward to experiencing English culture…
UK QMUL: Pre-Departure Blog
As my study abroad experience is two weeks away from me it is a good time to prepare mentally for the whole new culture and reflect on the culture here in the U.S. I am originally not from the U.S. and when I moved here the American culture was a big new experience for me….
Pre-departure blog
Studying abroad is a big step on the road to becoming a global citizen. As an international student, I am technically already “studying abroad” so I am very grateful to get the opportunity to study further abroad in some sense. Coming to the US, I realized how much individualism and personal opinions matter in daily…
Pre-Departure Blog: UK QMUL
Preparing to study abroad has created a whirlwind of thoughts, questions, worries, and excitements. Some questions like, how will I manage classes? Stay in shape? Cook my own food? Travel freely? Are thought about daily. When I think of my own college experience in the US, things seem so simply and straightforward, how could studying…
Final Study Abroad Blog Post
Reflecting on my study abroad experience as a whole, I would not have changed a thing. This past semester has been one of the greatest learning curves in my life, thus far. I am so grateful I was able to experience living in a different country and would do it again in a heartbeat. I…
How Studying Abroad in London Changed My Life
Looking back on my journey: I arrived back in Miami, FL two weeks ago after studying abroad in London for five months. I was able to extend my trip for one month to visit family and friends. I’m still processing my experience, and I’m already beginning to miss the British accents. What I can say…
Final Blog Post – Queen Mary Univ of London
One aspect from my host culture that I had a hard time adjusting to was adapting to aspects about eating out in Europe. I am in London, and restaurants are much different then in America. In this country, waitstaff are less actively attentive to their tables and also check in on you less while you…
Blog Post #2
I’ve been in London for a little over 2 months now. At first, I was so excited to be here that nothing was a problem for me. As the weeks went on, the reality began to set in and it was though getting used to the weather. It’s cold and can be gloomy for weeks…
Blog Prompt #2
Reflecting on my experience at Queen Mary and London in general thus far, I can honestly say there has not been a significant moment of cultural confrontation. The language and manner in which certain things are done have proven to be different than what I am used to in the US, but I can’t say…