Departure for London is less than one week away. Half of my bags are packed, and well let’s just say the other half are getting there. Although I’m excited for what’s to come, understandably, I also a little nervous. I’m an American college student embarking on a five and half month journey in one of…
Roma Is Homa
As the final weeks of study abroad come to an end, I suddenly feel a pang of sadness. Italy, in a mere 3 months, has become home. Quickly, I realized that I have learned more than what I could have ever dreamed of. I am now able to ask for directions and ingredients at the…
A Migrant Perspective
Earlier in this journey, I wrote about migrants and refugees in Morocco. This community has played a big role in my experiences in Morocco, and as I get to know more migrants and refugees in this part of the world, my perspective continues to evolve. One of my preconceptions about Morocco was that Moroccans didn’t…
Reflecting on a Semester in the Capital
Before I left for Washington, D.C. this past August, I was asked to write a blog post reflecting on my perceptions of my own views and identity and more importantly how these views and identity impact my perceptions of others and worldview. Before leaving for my semester away, I thought I was fairly set in…
Post-trip Reflection
After re-reading my original post before studying abroad in London, I realize that I have changed my position slightly about the interplay between culture and my sense of identity, but I mostly agree with what I wrote. For instance, I still agree that “the way one experiences another culture largely depends on how open…
Getting ready for Paris
December is going by so fast! And I still can’t believe I will be flying to Paris next month! I am very excited about everything , yet, I still don’t know exactly how I feel. Its like a mixture of many feelings. I feel happy yet nervous, but I know that it would be an amazing…
Trip to Hiroshima
With the semester winding down, its been difficult to try to keep up with my blog posts. I’ve been wanting to write about my trip to Hiroshima for a while, but studying has kept the idea on the back burner. With all but one of my finals out of the way, I now think I…
1 week left in Roma!
I have about one week left in Rome at the time of writing this blog post. This week for me has been all about studying and preparing for final exams, but also about going to my favorite spots in Rome for one last time and spending as much time as I can with the amazing…
Holiday Season
Starting from the middle of November, London has entered the holiday season with lights and decorations on the streets. In my Austria Today class, we had an interesting conversation about advent seasons in Austria, so I want to share what I learned about Austrian advent customs in this post. Austrian Christmas tradition begins with receiving the Advent…
Final Days in the District
I am just a few short days away from completing my semester studying American Politics here in Washington, D.C. In the last several weeks since my last post, I have had many wonderful experiences and have taken advantage of many opportunities. In the past couple months, I have taken a trip with friends to Philadelphia,…