During my time here in Sydney, a particular experience I had related to a cultural difference involved a miscommunication. In Australia, the way you go about ordering and paying at a restaurant is slightly different from the United States. Particularly, at some restaurants you order and pay at the counter before sitting down, or you…
My Experience in London
When I first rode on the tube in London, it was very quiet, and no one was talking. It was dead silent, and it was like a library, that’s how quiet it was. This made me uncomfortable, and it just felt weird to me. I was raised in a house where people talk all the…
“Letters to America” Blog – Login Instructions for Singapore-Malaysia program
Below are the login instructions to our “Letters to America” blog for you to post on the Singapore-Malaysia field study. How To Log In Go to https://blogs.rollins.edu/letters/wp-admin/ (NOTE: Do NOT use Google to search for the blog – it will return an old/outdated URL.) Click “Log In” on the black bar along the top. After entering your…
Blog #2
While exploring Italy’s political system and culture, I discovered an intriguing aspect that sets it apart even more from the U.S.: the role of the Vatican and the Pope. The Vatican City, an independent city-state enclaved within Rome, is the spiritual and administrative center of the Roman Catholic Church, led by the Pope. Although the…
Blog Post #2 – ISA Rome
A strong aspect of Italian culture that I have experienced since my time abroad has been their differing concepts of time — which often influence various aspects of their life including their work/life balance, dining, and others. Even in a large city like Rome, locals tend to live slower-placed lifestyles that allow more time for…
A Journey Through London’s Global Heartbeat
London’s fast pace and cultural variety caught me off guard. Expecting a predominantly British environment, I instead found a city pulsing with influences from around the globe. This blend of cultures in London piqued my curiosity, leading me to explore how this diversity defines the city, especially through its public spaces and the daily interactions…
ISA Rome: Blog post #2
One thing that has stood out to me while living in Rome is the historical significance of architecture and its purpose in being preserved. Unlike the United States, (Chicago specifically being the city I’m most familiar with) many of the buildings and ruins in Rome date back thousands of years and have amazing craftsmanship and detail…
New Zealand – Blog Post #2
One cultural difference I’ve experienced while being here in New Zealand so far is the overallrelaxation the country abides by in all areas. The US has a very strong hustle culture which priorto coming I didn’t acknowledge much. In many ways here I’ve experienced this country widerelaxing, such as in school, there are many assignments…
Mid-semester Post
It’s nearing toward the end of March now, and I cannot believe how quickly this semester has gone by. I didn’t even realize it was half way until I started hearing about people at Rollins taking their mid-terms. I don’t have any midterms here. It’s kind of nice, but a little scary. My entire grade…
Blog #2
From my time abroad in Rome, the aspect that has piqued my interest the most has been the public transportation system. I come from the Dominican Republic, which is a country that is not known for having a good public transportation system. When I moved to the United States, the aspect of transportation was very…