I have 3 posts to write in the next 3 days, so instead of saying variants of the same thing three times, I’m going to dedicate each post to a specific aspect of life over in London. Today I feel like I should write about the general ‘what it is like in London’ to lay…
Chapter 3: The Rain Dance Dream (London)
Howdy! It’s Manny again! I haven’t written in a bit but the second half of the semester over here has been quite hectic. Projects are coming up, internships projects are getting underway, and now it’s finally spring! To most that might seem as a great thing. The flowers are finally blooming and the trees are…
Ciao everyone! So I have officially been in Rome for 2 months and 9 days and it is April right around the corner !! what!! I am so shocked at the time gone flying by and I felt like just yesterday I was saying goodbye to Rollins and packing up my stuff to come here. I…
Time is going by waaaaaay too fast
Ciao! Can someone please tell me how I’m already halfway through this semester? I just got to Italy and unpacked my suitcase! I feel like I’ve been here for so little time, but now I only have 6 weeks left in this amazing city. School has not been the easiest with midterms, but Spring Break…
It snowed…..a lot. Plus other things
London saw snow that it hasn’t seen in about 10 years! I’ve lived in Florida my whole life and I have to say that I took the sunny weather for granted. I handled it well and stayed nice and bundled up. I guess I’m writing about this because I wasn’t really expecting to see this…
The Ways This City Changes Me
I’ve lived in London for three months now. This is when, as a trusty friend told me, the honeymoon phase of a new flat ends. The commute to work gets longer; the neighborhood gets dingier; the city smaller and colder and less exciting. But I’m still so in love. The gut feelings I get are largely…
Pt. 2
Hong Kong Highlights After having lived in Hong Kong for 2 months, I´ve managed to visit most of the symbolic places. I´ll talk about my personal favorite places and would highly recommend a visit to anyone coming to HK. The first place is called Tian Tan Buddha, or Big Buddha. Going up here is really…
Meet me Halfway..
I can´t process how fast time goes. I can´t believe I´m halfway through the semester, it´s been an amazing experience so far. Six months may sound like a lot but at times I regret not staying for longer. It´s really an experience as you have days where you love everything (dim sum, Chinese food, the people, the…
First Month in..
I enrolled to Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), also known as Baptist Uni. It is located in Kowloon Tong, it´s really close from Hong Kong island, and the New Territories. Campus is pretty much in the middle of everything.The cars drive on the left side of the road, luckily all the street signs have an…
Fear and Loathing in Hamburg
Considering whether or not to spend some money on myself this weekend, I heard the wise words of Tom Haverford ring softly inside my head: “…treat yo’ self!” It was decided– I would visit my friends in Hamburg for the weekend. I searched and searched for the the cheapest possible tickets in order to ball as…