¡Hola! We are about halfway through the semester? Where did the time go? Michael Dennis and I are enjoying our life here in Oviedo. We have conversation partners that Rollins set us up with. Our conversation partners are twins and they are pretty crazy. We enjoy spending the time because they are a social duo,…
Today I went to the Women of the World Festival for my course Gender and Citizenship. One of the great things about CAPA is that a lot of the classes have field studies where students get to explore different parts of London and participate in interesting events. The Women of the World Festival was founded…
Spring Break: The Halfway Point
These past 7 weeks have just flown by. I can not believe I only have 6 more weeks here! I came into this knowing it would be an experience full of travel and self-discovery, but I didn’t realize how attached I would become to the friends I’ve made here! Leaving them is going to be difficult… Spring break…
Life at USP
I’m heading into week five of being here in Samoa. Week six of being away from home. I’ll never understand how these weeks have felt like forever but just like a day too. So much has happened in this month here. Places have been explored, cultural values have been understood, and amazing friendships have begun…
Studying abroad will be fun, they said
I imagined that the DDP would be kind of similar to your typical study abroad program. You know, go to class a few hours a week, have some fun, visit a country or two on the weekend. But I ended up finding a concerning study to fun ratio, with little energy and time left to…
Doce Días Más
It has almost been two weeks since I first landed in Chile, and I am not sure how time can move both so fast and so, so slow. This paradoxical passing of time is part of the magic – and genius – of SIT’s study abroad programs, where the tightly-packed schedules keep you so busy…
Paint the Landscape White
Ireland is ticking so many things off my bucket list. This week, I had the joy of experiencing my first snowstorm. Actually, as I write this, I can look out the window and see little pieces of sky falling to Earth. I can hear the wind whispering as it makes its way through the trees….
Hi again! So I have officially been in Italy for a month and a few days and it has been an INCREDIBLE experience for far! It has been such a different perspective and I have been traveling a lot, next weekend I go to Florence with the ISA program and I can’t wait for that!…
Much more than tombs and churches
One can never imagine the wonders found in the nooks and crannies of ancient sites. Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting four magnificent cultural sites with my Irish Heritage class. As an anthropology major, I have had a passion for learning about different cultures. I would often imagine what it would be like to…
Felling Like Home and Food Galore!
So after my first 5 weeks, London is starting to feel like a second home. I’m adjusting well to this new place- especially public transportation which was a huge fear of mine the first week arriving, but now it’s a breeze. I am now out of my comfort zone where I can explore outside of…