Hello! I got through orientation week here in Rome, as well as my first two days of class. I cannot believe how quickly the week has gone by since I arrived. Rome is beautiful. I got to explore many famous sights in Italy including the Trevi fountain, and the Colosseum. To my surprise, I have…
Soon to be Samoan
As I prepare for my next big adventure, I think it’s important to look back on where I come from, where I’ve been, and how those experiences have brought me to where I am going today. Or tomorrow, I suppose. I grew up in a very small town in Maine. Boothbay Harbor. I think we…
Back Home
Leaving Rome was one of the hardest goodbyes I’ve ever experienced. I fell completely in love with this city and all the amazing people I met along the way. In only three short months, I traveled to 7 new countries and countless of cities. As sappy as it sounds, I made so many new friends and…
Month 3
Wow, already month 3! The first week of November, I traveled to Turin, Italy for a class excursion. This trip was for my Sports and Society class. While there we visited the superga where all of the Torino soccer team died in 1939. The site is still preserved and visited by fans every day. Every…
Until Next Time
I’m back. Leaving Ireland as well as going to Ireland feels more like a dream I have only just awaken from. The number one question I am asked about my time abroad is, “Could you imagine yourself living there?” And my answer is always, despite my deep affection for this tiny island, no. This…
Study Abroad Reflections
After being home for around two months now, I still look on my experience abroad fondly and sincerely. I think of it as truly one of, if not the most gratifying, challenging, enlightening, and exciting times of my life. I always wanted to be someone that traveled and that had seen the world. I thought…
Travels throughout Japan
This is my 3rd trip to Japan. I’ve been interested in the country since I was a child and always jump on an opportunity to come to this beautiful country. My father was born in Fukuoka so I spent my Christmas there (although my family is back home in Florida). It was nice but it…
Advice for students interested in the Rollins/KGU exchange program.
Good morning! (evening here as I’m still in Japan) In this post, I wanted to focus mainly on some tips for students contemplating on studying abroad in Japan–in particular with Rollins through the Kansai Gaidai exchange program. My first piece of advice is go for it. Studying abroad is an exciting part of getting an education…
Back to Reality
Ciao a tutti, My study abroad experience was something that I will always cherish but now it is time for me to go back to reality. After my program ended I went back to my home country, Honduras. I spent Christmas with my family and had a great time seeing my friends. Being in Honduras…
My Final days in Rome
Ciao a tutti, being abroad was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had and knowing that it was coming to an end made me sad. During the last weeks I stayed in Rome and since I had been traveling every previous weekend so it was finally time to go out and explore Rome even further….