I have now been back in the states for a little over a month, and, honestly, not a day goes by that I don’t think about my time in France. I had such an incredible time. I miss the friends that I made, the town that I called home, and my wonderful host family….
First Stop Ski Lodge… Second Stop Rome!
My name is Madelyn and I currently a sophomore majoring in Art History. So what better place to study than in Rome, Italy. I am from the south shore of Boston Massachusetts. Yes, I say wicked and my family eat sleeps and breaths hockey and my dad LIVEs for Patriots games (sorry for any non Pats fans)….
The title reads: Goodbye China, Hello U.S.A. It feels weird to be back in the United States. I’m no longer hearing people talk Chinese in every corner, and I can finally have a full conversation. My experience in China was very interesting and unique, and I would definitely recommend studying abroad in Shanghai to anyone….
What it’s Really like to Live with a Host Family
Hello Again, Something I have thought about a lot since being back is my experience with a host family. I know so many people will say that their host family is what really made their time abroad, so I had some high expectations for mine. I did not think I could have any more bad…
The reason I wanted to go abroad was because ever since a little girl my dad has always loved to travel with me and he is the one who showed me how to travel. I have always been interested in different cultures and different parts around the world. When I turned 15 years old, my…
Goodbye America!!
Hello! I am ecstatic to be studying abroad in Rome, but also nervous. I have never been to Europe, and now I will be living in it for almost 4 months! Packing has been difficult because I realized that I cannot bring every article of clothing I have, but it is all apart of the…
Irish Eudaimonia
Eudaimonia: The contented and happy state you feel when you travel. Irish Eudaimonia is the joyful state I currently find myself in, because I am less than 24 hours away from embarking in my first adventure across the pond. Born in the small, developing country of Honduras, I could only dream of what was on…
Internship soon
The time for me to conduct my internship semester in the DDP program has finally come, and I could not be more excited. It feels great to say that the difficult application process with Proctor & Gamble was worth it. Starting February I will begin my internship position in Brand Management in Schwalbach. Although I do…
Five Nuggets of Advice for Studying Abroad
Before leaving for Spain, I was told that writing a post study-abroad reflection was mandatory. At the time, it was the least of my concerns and was viewed as an insignificant speck that I wouldn’t need to worry about until one day way, way in the future. Well ladies and gentlemen, that day has arrived….
Home Sweet Home
I never thought coming back from abroad I would be so happy to be home. Jacobs seems almost like a distant blur, and thank god for that. One of the biggest surprises coming back from abroad would be the reverse culture shock. During my first week at Jacobs we did intercultural training (because it is an…