Mon, Jan 8, 2018. It is 6:00 a.m in the morning as I’m preparing to leave MCO and hop on a plane for approximately 21 h 15 m. After the first 6 hours of my journey, the plane makes its first stop in SFO, California. I find myself eating breakfast for the second time that…
Reverse Culture Shock
Hi Again, One of my first blog posts was about culture shock. I wasn’t prepared for it to happen to me, which is why it’s a shock I suppose. What I really wasn’t prepared for was the reverse culture shock that was to come. There was a weird feeling that came along with being home….
Can I go back?
Hi Rollins! While everyone, including myself, is getting ready to return back to Rollins for the spring semester, I am trying to unpack from my incredible semester in Israel. I got back home to Dahlonega, Georgia on Tuesday night and have barely touched my suitcase. Part of this is because the jet lag and time…
Home Again!
So, I’m finally back in America. Actually, I have been back for a few weeks now and am back at Rollins for intersession. Fittingly enough, I am taking a course on culture shock in literature and film. It is really funny comparing my own experiences to some of those in what I have been reading/watching…
Mixed Emotions
I had no idea I could feel such strong, contrasting emotions at the same time– fear and joy. I fear for the future, but I also have such a great feeling about my upcoming journey. I guess it’s normal to have mix feelings about living alone for the first time, in a different country no…
University of Oviedo 2018-Spring 1
Hi everyone! My name is Patrick Rhinehart, I am an International Relations major with a minor in Communication and Spanish. I envy traveling as it is a part of my life with a lot of family spread across the globe, most of it in Europe though. I am pretty liberal thinking young gent who believes…
A Bitter-Sweet Moment
As I woke up getting ready to pack my suitcases into the car before heading to the airport, I began to reminisce on the past few days I’ve been here in the United States. From the farewell dinners and family gatherings; and saying my goodbyes to friends and loved ones that I won’t see for…
Knowingly Entering the Unknown
As I lay on my bed looking around my room, I’m just now realizing what a disastrous mess it is. Two suitcases lying out, surrounded by clothes, bottles, bags, and socks are what engulf my pink, striped carpet. However, it’s not the mess in my room that’s overwhelming me. It’s the fact that I’m completely…
Ready to see the world
Hi, I’m Erin McCusker, and Wednesday I will be in London. I don’t think it has fully sunken in yet. I’ve only ever been abroad once, a week in Italy, which was really amazing and more than what some people get to see in a lifetime, but there is still so much I want to…
Ya boy is going to London
This entire idea of going to London for 6 months hasn’t really set in yet. I’ve been planning the trip for between 3 and 4 months and the entire time it has always been this abstract idea. Like, “oh yeah, I’ll go to London and see the museums and stuff” and, “I’ll go travel to…