As I sit here at Washington Dulles International Airport I realize it is a great place to reflect before I leave for London for 5 months. I have my girlfriend here with me who was willing to accompany me for the first 2 weeks as I get settled at Queen Mary University of London in…
Thanks for All the Fish
I wish I could say CAPA had been a fun experience. In fact, I wish I had one single compliment to bestow upon CAPA, so that this post didn’t come off as angry rants, but the fact is I have been trying since the day I came home to write a post in which CAPA…
Love and London (Ramblings on Goodbyes)
There is no good way to prepare to be gone for seven months. There’s not even a great place to start. No one makes a road map for this kind of trip—particularly if where you’re going feels more like home than where you’re coming from. No amount of preparing visas and packing lists has prepared me…
When The Journey Ends
Hello All! Currently sitting in my bedroom, where I first wrote my pre-departure blog. I remember writing in August; I was so nervous about what I was going to write, and how it would sound to everyone on this blog. Having done this four other times, I just let my hands express everything I want,…
From Traveling Europe to Small Town Ohio
I recently returned to my hometown from my European adventure. Being home and around all of my friends and family who knew me prior to my many life changes which came with going to Rollins is a peculiar thing. Coming back into an environment where most people still see me for who I was in the…
Like a Kid in a Candy Store
Hello! My name is Manuel, but I mostly go by Manny. I am supposed to write a pre-departure blog before I head off to London for my internship, so I’ll try my best! If you would have asked me 10 years ago if I ever thought I would get to travel the world in some…
A Puzzle Known As Japan – Fitting The Pieces Together
Hey! Shanelle here for the last time! I’m finally back in the U.S., and I must say, this study abroad experience has been one of the most fulfilling experiences I’ve ever had in my life! I went into this hoping to get first-hand knowledge of Japanese culture and its people, and that’s exactly what happened!…
Go the Distance (Reprise)
Ah… home. Hey everyone, how are you doing today? You feel good? Maybe a little tired? Full of love? Whatever you may be feeling I’m happy you decided to click on my blog and talk with me for a little while. I am writing this while en route to the beautiful US of A and…
Home Again, Home Again
It is amazing to me that the past three months went by so quickly. Nothing had ever felt weirder to me than stepping off the plane in Orlando and sleeping in my own bed that night. Since getting home I have been in a constant state of reflection and awe, thinking about everything I experience…
Returning Home
Returning home has been an odd experience to say the least. As expected, jet lag has set in (as I fear is evident in this post) and added to the general sense of disorder and confusion which I have been feeling as of recently. Accompanying the jet lag has been the cultural changes which I…