To read this on my personal blog click here. I can’t believe I have been home for just a few weeks already. It’s weird, because all at once, I feel like it was just yesterday and also months ago. My life there was so completely different than it is here, that is almost impossible to understand…
Reflections of the Liffey
It seems like a lifetime has passed in the ten days since I left Ireland. For the first few days, nothing felt particularly different. I waited patiently for reality to sink in and it finally did about seven days after my transatlantic crossing. I was scrolling through the hundreds of photographs accrued during my stint…
Home Again
And just like that my adventure has come to an end. I cannot believe that I am already home, it feels like just yesterday I was just getting ready to leave. Where did the past 4 months go?! Although it was the best semester of my life, it was a long time to be away…
The End of the Great Greek Adventure
Wow, it has been two weeks since I left Athens and the Great Greek Adventure came to an end. It truly was a great semester and I couldn’t have asked for a better place, program, or experience. Looking back on the semester and these amazing four months, I think of all the great moments I…
Return to Normal
The strangest thing about coming home is that it feels like I never left. I picked up everything in my life exactly where I left off before leaving for London. I started working just days after my return and I was acclimated to my room and house within a week. Getting back behind the wheel…
Thinking Back & Looking Forward
Today is the two-week anniversary of my departure from Ireland. My way of life there seems to have faded away at the same rate as my way of life here returned – fast. Upon arrival, I felt similar to the way I did when I first arrived in Ireland – comparing where I was to…
A Couple’s Christmas – Japan’s Take on the Winter Holidays
Hey! Shanelle here! Christmas is such a magical time of year, isn’t it? It’s a time to come together with friends and family and celebrate being with one another! I truly enjoy this type of Christmas; however, I realized after coming to Japan, this is not the only type of Christmas. What I mean by…
Kobe Luminaire 2017: A Sight to See!
Hey! Shanelle here! First off, I have a question. What do you think of when you hear the word “Kobe”? I’m just curious, because when I told some people back home that I was going to Kobe, they told me to enjoy the steak! Before I start, I would like to state that the “Kobe”…
À Bientôt, Paris!
Arriving home makes me really sink in that feeling of nostalgia. It’s been a few days since I last stepped on Parisian soil, since I last spoke French, since I last ate my everyday French cheese. My last days in Paris were filled by goodbyes, speaking more French than ever, getting to really know my…
Farewell for Now
It’s been just over a week since I left London, and already I miss it. I miss the bite of the damp cold when I step outside in the morning (here in Florida, the dampness is heavy and hot) and the bustle of the busy streets. I miss the rush of the tube as it…