There’s an episode in ‘Friends’ where Rachel moves out of the apartment, starts crying and yells “it’s the end of an era”. That is exactly how I felt leaving Jacobs. Even though it was only four months, I felt a sort of sorrow thinking of leaving. So many people asked me how I felt to…
No More Rome
I have now been home for almost two weeks and I can honestly say I already miss Rome. I thought there would be an initial shock once I spent my first full day back in America, but I fell back into routine almost immediately. I was able to drive my car without any effort and…
Full Circle
Currently sitting in the JFK airport in NYC, and I’m taken back to just three months ago when I was waiting to board the plane that would take me to Ireland. Only 3 months, yet I wonder how past me and present me sat next to each other would seem similar and different. It’s been…
Finally Home
Its almost been a couple weeks since I arrived back home and I’m glad to be back. Don’t get me wrong I had a wonderful, beyond amazing time in London and will go back in a heart beat, but there is nothing quite like home and the holidays. London is an amazing city with a…
La Dolce Vita
After a semester abroad, you learn a lot about a new culture and yourself. For me, a big part of studying abroad is also trying to figure out where I would want to live and work in my career. I spent this semester traveling to six new countries Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Switzerland, Hungary, and…
See you soon, Shanghai!
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. My experience in Shanghai was truly amazing and I am very thankful to everyone that made it a great experience. Living in Shanghai for these past four months helped me see that there is much more to the world I would like to see. During my…
Goodbye Roma!
Unfortunately, the time has come. My four-month Journey has come to an end. The goodbyes were made with friends and just like that I was on to my next adventure. For my friends, they all boarded a long plane back to America. For me, I was lucky to spend two more weeks in Italy with…
Enjoying the sun while I can (Pre-Study Abroad Post)
After having been away from Florida, in a non-tropical environment for the first time in my life has made me appreciate many things I once took for granted. It truly is a privilege and joy to feel the warmth of the sun almost every day and go for a swim on the first day of…
I’m Back and Sad About It
I have officially been in the US for a full week and I already want to go back to Australia. I never though leaving a place would make me so emotional, however it was the people I met there and the relationships I formed that has made it so hard. When I came abroad I…
Home at Last
Oh boy I missed the sun, the sand, and the beach. One of the first things I did after rejoicing with my family was go and lay down with my dog. I was so happy to see my old man, he acted like such a puppy when he saw me and man did I miss…