Wow, it is hard to believe that in 8 days I will be on the plane heading back to Tampa! How has this semester gone by so fast? I, unfortunately, haven’t done as many blog posts as I wanted to this semester, but this post is going to be a brief glimpse of what has…
Almost the End
I depart in a few days and I am feeling a wide range of emotions: happy to finally see my parents, sad to leave my best friend and nervous for the future. Coming to Australia was the best decision I have made in my 20 years and I don’t want the journey to end. Once…
Midterm Update
Hi Rollins!! While most of my friends are finishing up their semesters, I just finished my midterms. I have mixed feelings because I realized today that I will be home in just one month. Part of me misses the United States, my home, my family, my dogs, and Rollins. The other part of me does…
Thoughts on Abroad
As the days count down, I only have one more week left of being abroad, and to be honest I am quiet relieved. A lot of people believe that at all points of studying abroad, that there are only highs. Well, not to be the negative Nancy, there will be lows. There will be points…
Living in Athens
Reading the title of this post may confuse some of you. Why would I write a post of living in Athens this late into the semester? If i haven’t been living in Athens, then where? My first post here was titled “Living in History” and re-reading it I feel girlish, giddy almost, at how much I only…
Post-Arrival: Back Home
It’s been a week since I returned home, despite my apparent efforts to sabotage my doing so. I started packing up my room and saying my goodbyes about a week in advance, making sure I would have time to get everything done before I had to leave. That week was a bittersweet one, as all…
Germany and Wrapping Up
Just as I said last time, where has the time gone? Three months went by in the blink of an eye, but at the same time I feel like it’s been so long. I’m comfortable in my little corner of east London and so accustomed to the local grocery shops and surroundings. I’m so used to…
Coming Home from Australia
Writing this last blog post is pretty bittersweet, because I am now home and while I already miss Australia, the places I visited and people that I met and became friends with, I am also incredibly relieved and excited to be home with my friends and family for the holidays. I had such a great…
The Final Stretch
I have completed my last full month abroad and only have 11 day left, as of today, in Rome. It is crazy to look back and realize how fast this semester has gone by. Usually for me personally, the fall semester is always really slow and not as exciting as the spring semester. However, this…
Christmas Time is Here…
And it’s almost time to head home. As of today, I have thirteen days left in London. I can’t quite wrap my head around it, and when I try, I dance back and forth erratically between excitement and sadness. I can’t wait to see my family, my friends, Rollins, my pets, the beach…but I dread…