Greeting sweet readers of mine! Did you miss me? I certainly missed you! My time in Athens is sadly winding down which is extremely sad but that also means I will be back soon and can hug anyone who wants one! I say this almost every time but MUCH has happened to me since we…
My Birthday in Paris
This past week was my fall break from IAU, and I must say it was incredible. I not only got to travel to some of my favorite places in France, but I got to do it all with my parents and I got to see some old friends. There will be more to come about…
Fish, Chips, Tours, and John McGuir
Hello all! Well traveled scholar here!… just kidding. But, my most recent adventures have brought me to the beautiful island of Ireland! If you knew me it would not be a surprise to find out that I am Irish…my last name is McCray after all and once upon a time used to be McCrea! Anyhoo……
“Poetry psalms Flower with architecture Raising their grandeur on the gashed cape. Words of God blaze like a disaster In the windows of their prophetic cathedral. But the sighs of the deep multitude Grow out of the mountain’s heart as clean as vines.” -An excerpt from the Legend of St. Clement Sometimes I forget how…
Slow mornings surrounded by beautiful things
I wake up in the morning and am astounded by the beauty that is right in front of me, the cold air whisking it’s way from outside into my room by ways of my slightly opened window. I sit up, just barely, and begin to awake the rest of me. The sun emits the most…
November Update
Although I am quickly approaching my six month mark here in China, every day something new or surprising reminds me that I have only scratched the surface in understanding China’s culture and society. Yesterday I returned to Kunming after two weeks of travelling throughout Yunnan with SIT. Somehow those two weeks felt both shorter and…
Struggle in Paradise
Ciao a tutti, These past days I have been having a rough time and that is why I haven’t posted. We just had fall break and it was a wonderful one but a couple of things happened that dampened it for me. First off we go to Lisbon, where we had an amazing time and…
New Beauty
Something that I always expected about traveling the world was the profound beauty waiting for me to discover. And I can wholeheartedly say that the beauty of the world has lived up to my expectations, and exceeded them. Over this past weekend I traveled to the White Cliffs of Dover with my best friend, who…
More of China
I can’t believe I just took my midterm for Chinese. While it makes me happy to see all the progress I have accomplished, I also feel sad that in a few weeks I will be heading back home. China has been a great experience and I have learned so much from it As a part…
New Zealand: Say You Won’t Let Go
Hi guys! So it’s November 4, I ended classes two weeks ago and I’ve had one final… It doesn’t really feel like the end of my time here in New Zealand but my flight home is in just two weeks! Until then, I have to take two more finals and will be travelling to Wellington,…