CVOLPE. One aspect of American culture I have experienced, being from the Midwest, is friendliness towards strangers. Especially in more rural areas away from big cities such as Chicago, it is common for strangers to smile or wave when walking or driving past each other. This behavior is seen as a common courtesy to ease…
Pre Aussie
One aspect of American culture is its fast pace, especially in the Northeast where I am from. The trend of hurrying through each day is encouraged by societal norms and ideals of success, which is thought to be achieved through hard work and tangible accomplishments. A lot of this stems from capitalist doctrine, which demands…
ROME ISA Final Reflection Blog Post
Objective Description: While taking the public bus home in Rome, Italy, I encountered a situation where a woman sitting next to me was reprimanded by fellow passengers for speaking loudly on her phone. The bus was crowded, and the atmosphere was tense as people exchanged annoyed glances. One man spoke up, expressing his disapproval of…
Pre-departure blog prompt #1
An aspect of U.S. culture is tipping workers after they assist you, whether it be a food service worker or uber driver, tipping is a common etiquette apart of U.S. culture. Tipping allows workers to have a reward for their service, but it isn’t required. Many workers who receive tips are paid below minimum wage…
Pre-Departure Post
I am posting this a little late, as I am currently already in Oviedo, but I figured better late than never. Going into this, I was very nervous. Excited for sure! But nervous nonetheless. I still hadn’t registered for classes, so I had absolutely no idea what my day to day schedule looked like. I…
Pre-Departure Blog – ISA Rome
I think one of the most identifiable aspects of American culture is the fast pace of life that many U.S. Citizens live; this often applies to multiple facets of one’s lifestyle including their work-life, eating/dining, traveling, communicating, etc. Americans value convenience, and often convenience comes with the expectation that things will be done for you…
Pre Departure Blog
To begin with, I was born and raised in Jamaica however I moved to the United States 3 years ago to embark on my educational journey. As I integrated and adapted to the U.S culture, the biggest cultural difference I noticed was the sense of Individualism. I noticed that a major aspected of U.S culture…
Pre-Departure Blog: My last words before going ‘Down Under’!!!!!
One aspect of the American culture that has become increasingly apparent to me as I grow up here is the work culture. The United States has a major ‘hustle’ culture, where we can almost always be described as “workaholics” or, the culture that works to work, constantly trying to climb the ranks and progress professionally….
Hong Kong Final Blog
Life in Hong Kong taught me how to quickly adjust. In Hong Kong life is very fast-paced. The people of Hong Kong always have somewhere to be. When sitting in class one day, my professor mentioned the fact that Hong Kongers are always on the move to the point where they walk up the escalators….
Post departure Blog
After arriving in the states, a lot of differences between Spain and here became pretty obvious. All of a sudden a 20 minute car ride became short again, 13 dollars for a burger went from highway robbery to standard, and drinking a beer with friends at 12 is no longer socially acceptable. In all seriousness…