Happy first day of class! Well, I guess that it’s more like happy midterms at Rollins. For me, the first day of class was just a week ago. The Israeli semester runs from October to January, because it starts after the Jewish new year! This is good because it meant I had a 5-week fall…
Thoughts from a Cafe
As I’m typing this entry, sitting in a cafe in Paris, it’s hard to believe it’s already halfway through my semester here! As the time is coming to a close, I find myself wishing that I could stay for the rest of the year. I find that the pace of life here is much more…
Parents and Paris
I’m already halfway through with this semester?? Where in the world is the time going? October brought about some visitors for me. First, a friend of mine living in Germany who came to enjoy the city for a weekend, and secondly, my parents! My parents took ten days off of their normally scheduled lives to…
The Adventures Continue
Another month has gone by, and the deadline to hop back on the plane home approaches, to my ever growing dismay. I’ve grown to love so many things about Australia; whether it’s the birds with their strange songs that wake me up in the morning (seriously, if you’ve never heard a kookaburra laugh you’re missing…
Carpe Diem and Study Hard
Halfway through my program. Now is the time when people come to terms with one of two things. Either they miss their families because it’s hard to go so long without them, or they recognize they are getting closer to going home, then start to get sad about the ending of their study abroad program….
Mid Sem Break
I cannot believe I only have a month left in Australia; it has gone by so fast! I have loved it so much that I even extended my flight back a week and a half so I could have more time here. There is still much to see and do I probably won’t be able…
” My house in Budapest, My hidden treasure chest Golden grand piano My beautiful Castillo You You I’d leave it all George Ezra’s song Budapest, one of my favorite songs, was playing throughout my head during my trip to Budapest two weekends ago (October 20-22). I, of course, had to do the obligatory Snapchat video…
Another Day . . . Another Country . . . Another Post
Just came back from marble-carving workshop after the pre-departure meeting for the upcoming field trip to Cyprus and only just finished unpacking this morning from last week’s school trip to the Peloponnese. Word to the Wise: Pick and choose which optional activities to be involved with. Do some, it keeps you sane, but not all,…
Study, Eat, Sleep, Travel, Repeat
Another month has come and gone by far too quickly. So far October has gone by the fastest for me while being abroad and seemed extremely busy. I did not travel as much this month has I did in September, however, I was able to explore Rome a great deal which was just as enjoyable….
Month 2
Time is going by way too quickly. Thinking about signing up for spring classes next week makes me feel like my abroad experience is almost over. This month has been incredible. Over fall break I traveled to four new countries in only nine days. We started in Amsterdam. I loved how everyone rode bikes and…