Wow, I had only been here two weeks last time I posted, and now I’ve been here for almost two months. I really don’t know how that’s possible. It seems like I’ve been here half that time, at most. I’m trying to enjoy every second of this experience! Here’s some copies and pastes from my…
Study Break Fever
As we are nearing the mid-term point here at Maynooth, we are nearing the Study Break which starts next week. Along with studying on this week-long break I have the amazing opportunity to travel with some great friends across Europe. When being abroad, it is an amazing opportunity to travel to surrounding areas of the…
Playing Catch Up
On a lot of things, actually. This blog, for starters, I haven’t updated in almost two weeks, almost an eternity, seeing that so much has happened. I met David Martin from “60 Minutes,” Emily Yoffe from Slate and The Atlantic, and Didi Schanche from NPR, Marty Barron from the Washington Post, and Dean Banquet from the New York Times; I…
When can I move to Edinburgh? It is absolutely stunning! There is so much history in the air you are swimming through it. The buildings are all the same type, made from this light brownish stone color making the city look so beautiful and put together. Despite the fact that the weather the days I was…
Winter is here
Since it is quite cold, very windy, and sputtering rain (not unusual), I have some down time to throw a few layers on, curl up with some tea, and update y’all on my life. Here is some visuals to what I’ve been up to. It doesn’t capture all the moments, but it shows some of the big…
What do you take? (Pre-Departure Post)
I had just gotten used to living in America. Orlando was not only my home for the spring and fall semesters, but I got to build a whole different life there staying during winters and summers. With all that love for the city, you can imagine I have also acquired a lot of stuff, right?…
The Studying Part of Study Abroad
Well I hope you guess from the title, it’s midterms week here in Athens. And though I’d done enough tests in my life, these were probably one of the most stress. What it all came down to was that I had no idea how harsh these exams would be. Being at Rollins I’d gotten used…
Travels through Iceland
Wow has Iceland been incredible!! The land of fire and ice – what a unique place to be studying abroad and studying climate change. The landscape is unlike anything I have ever seen before, especially coming from Florida. There are so few trees, but so many rocks and so much moss covering these rocks. Despite…
And then there were two (months)
One month down, and two months to go. This month has been focused on adjusting, to both the country and the school. The first week before classes began was used to get used to Mile End and explore London before academics began. This week was full of ups and downs. The things I had to…
China has been amazing!
It’s already been a little over a month and I already feel like I am a local. Like expected, it was a huge culture shock. One of the hardest aspects of this has definitely been the language barrier. Sometimes I find myself stuck in situations where I can’t understand what the locals are saying, and…