After spending 50 days here, we have hit the half way marker. I can say that I’ve definitely gotten a full view of Rome since I’ve spent a lot of my time here. I already know when I get back to the United States, I’m going to miss having access to fresh and cheap pasta…
19 Hours in England
One of the best parts about studying abroad in Europe is the absolute freedom one gets. Whoever first started saying that freshman year is the first year of real freedom never studied abroad. Yes freshman year does allow you to have a lot more freedom than high school, but real freedom is getting bored and…
Wandering Around the Island
“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” -Mary Ritter Beard I’m so happy to call this gorgeous island my home right now. Ireland is a nature appreciator’s wonderland. So far, I have visited all four of Ireland’s coasts…
The days are flying by!
How has it already been over a month since leaving my small town in New Jersey to come to the amazing Rome, Italy. Rome has surprised me in so many ways and I feel I have achieved so much since being here. At first the culture shock was real, I was confused on how to…
The Japan-Korea Relationship
Hey! Shanelle here! I’ve been in Japan for about two months now, and I have seen and experienced so many new things here! However, today, I would like to discuss a more serious topic that I learned about in one of my classes here. I discovered that there is great tension between Korea and Japan….
Getting Pooped on By a Bird is Good Luck
Have you ever been told that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck? Well, I’ve only ever heard that one time before, ironically by someone who had just gotten pooped on. Coincidence? I’m choosing not to look that far into it because it happened in one of my new favorite places on earth….
Time is passing so quickly!
Wow, I had only been here two weeks last time I posted, and now I’ve been here for almost two months. I really don’t know how that’s possible. It seems like I’ve been here half that time, at most. I’m trying to enjoy every second of this experience! Here’s some copies and pastes from my…
Study Break Fever
As we are nearing the mid-term point here at Maynooth, we are nearing the Study Break which starts next week. Along with studying on this week-long break I have the amazing opportunity to travel with some great friends across Europe. When being abroad, it is an amazing opportunity to travel to surrounding areas of the…
Playing Catch Up
On a lot of things, actually. This blog, for starters, I haven’t updated in almost two weeks, almost an eternity, seeing that so much has happened. I met David Martin from “60 Minutes,” Emily Yoffe from Slate and The Atlantic, and Didi Schanche from NPR, Marty Barron from the Washington Post, and Dean Banquet from the New York Times; I…
When can I move to Edinburgh? It is absolutely stunning! There is so much history in the air you are swimming through it. The buildings are all the same type, made from this light brownish stone color making the city look so beautiful and put together. Despite the fact that the weather the days I was…