Last week for my Cross Cultural Studies in Food and Culture (French 306) class, we were required to walk around the market and observe what makes the markets of Aix famous. After making our observations we were to write an article that encapsulates the entire experience of going to the market. I thought that sharing…
Back to Japan!
Greetings! My name is Oakley and I’m a junior at Rollins College. I am double majoring in International Business and Asian Studies at Rollins College. Last year, I studied abroad in China and this year I’m at it again but, this time, in Japan! Things have been quite hectic and busy for me (more than…
Dia Dhuit
Today is the one month anniversary of my arrival in Maynooth. My first month here has proven how fast time can go and how much can happen in four weeks. The last time I wrote to LTA, I was sitting in an airport in New York City. I am now sitting in my flat with remnants of traveling strewn…
Ireland is good craic!!
It is currently week 5 of my study abroad in Ireland and everything is going absolutely splendidly! From the beautiful scenery that surrounds me to the good-nature of the Irish, I have fallen in love with this country. Now that it has been a little over a month since I’ve been here, a great many things…
Weekend of Adventures
This past weekend, a month into my stay in Maynooth, Ireland was an eventful one to say the least. From being scared by a human statue in Cork, to going out at night for the first time in Dublin. My weekend adventure began with a pub crawl set up by the society, International Erasmus Student…
Germany: Expectations vs Reality
Studying abroad is nothing like what I expected. This statement comes with some good and some bad, I’ll start with the bad. Jacobs University is a fairly secluded campus in northern Germany. To get to the nearest major city, downtown Bremen, you must take a 30-minute train. Although there isn’t much to do downtown Bremen…
A Word About the DC Metrorail
In less than two hours this morning, I woke up late, showered, brushed, and shaved, printed out train tickets, learned about the Columbus Day bus schedule for the Metro, explained it in Spanish to a random guy I sat next to on the subway, ran a little under a mile in dress clothes while wearing…
There’s No Place Like London
I can’t believe I’ve been here for over a month already. To say I hit the ground running would be an understatement when referring to my introduction to the UK. I’ve done so much in my time here already I’ve hardly had time to sleep, and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve…
I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane
Leading up to my departure to London, I was feeling unexpectedly calm. I wasn’t my usually anxious and constantly worried self, and I actually started to get worried that I wasn’t worried (I’m weird, I know). I was incredibly ready to start my adventure and do all the things I’ve always said I wanted to…
One Month Already?! ¡Dios mío!
5 weeks in and I feel like I just got here. These five weeks have been filled of adjustment. From adjusting to the time change, living with a new family, the food, the eating schedule, the culture, and the language, I now sometimes forget I am in an entirely different country. Getting through the first…