Two days after we met people from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Prof. Krasnow invited a member of the National Rifle Association–Institute for Legal Action to speak with our class. As I expected, the speaker presented well on behalf of the NRA—but evasively when it came to answering our questions. It would seem good activist educators resemble politicians in their…
At the CSGV
Last Monday, my class met with members of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. In light of the Las Vegas shooting, reflecting on this meeting makes me more considerate of what was said. We discussed the gun lobby and how most gun deaths—almost half—result from suicide rather than murder or accident. While I wanted to listen, I had to remain…
So Much Lib, So Little Book
I went to the library for the first time since arriving here. The funny thing is, I couldn’t find any books in it. I quickly realized I was in the visitor’s section of the Library of Congress, and if I wanted to read any books, I would have to get a library card (so those…
Are You Sirius?!
I could never be a radio host. I love talking to people, but I hate arguing with them, and it seems that’s all people want to do today. Joe Madison hosts The Black Eagle on Sirius XM Radio, and as a political talk show geared toward black audiences in this time in our history, Mr….
Duck Season! Rabbit Season! . . . Flu Season?
A nurse saved my life two weeks ago—probably. I mean, she gave me a flu shot, so she essentially saved my life. She also gave me a Hello Kitty Band-Aid that I *ahem* suggested I might like. The rest of the day, my shoulder felt sore, but a few hours of pain beats an indefinitely long…
German Grocery Stores
If you have never been to Germany, you’re bound to run into some unexpected cultural experiences. The thing that left the strongest impression on me, by far, was the German Grocery Shopping Experience ™. Back in the United States one gets used to the comfort and surplus of American culture. A nice bagger helps you put…
European Service Dogs
I was going to write something about the people I met here and how amazing the coffee shop across the street from my apartment is, but then I remembered that dogs exist. Athens has its fair share of dogs around, however most of them are strays. These dogs are huge, like think St. Bernard size, and…
September Update
Considering I am writing this from one of the deepest river gorges in the world where wifi/service isn’t exactly a priority, I’m hoping I will be excused for submitting this in late. It is currently golden week here in China which means that essentially everyone has a break and travels either home or to popular…
Lost in thoughts…and the Big City
Good evening to all of my readers! As those of you who have been following my blog might know (or what you will learn if you are reading for the first time), I recently left the State of Florida to explore the world by continuing my studies at the Queen Mary University of London. However,…
Living in History
It has been over a month since I arrived in Athens, and feel as though I know the rhythm of the city. Though I still stand out as a tourist I’m sure, I feel comfortable (and confident) that I can make it to a new place without getting lost. The food is delicious, and people…