16 years ago this Monday, the twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed after terrorists hijacked and crashed airplanes into them. That day, 2,977 people lost their lives. One of the victims was Bill Biggart, a journalist for the Associated Press who was capturing the event on camera. He was taking photos up until…
With Love From London – I
Jetset Time: T-4 hours Today is the day. I’m writing four hours from take-off, four hours from I-don’t-really-know, but four hours from endless adventure and nerves. Of course, I’m excited. Of course, I have been anticipating this day for the past seven months, but then summer came, and things had to change. With summer came…
Last Minute Preparation
After reading the title of this post, it should come as no surprise to you that this blog post is the very last thing I have to finish before leaving for the airport. It doesn’t surprise me either. Everyone warned me that today would come much faster than I expected, and of course I disregarded until…
London Calling
It is 9 o’clock PM on September 14th, I am sitting in my home that I have lived in since birth, it is storming outside, and I can hear my parents winding down after our day of packing and running around. My mom is beside me scrolling through photos taken at our dinner out and…
Aren’t you so excited?…No, not really.
For months now, I have been telling my friends and family about my upcoming trip to study abroad at the Queen Mary University of London. Immediately, I received the question that would flood my mind for the entire summer, “Are you excited?”. It puzzled me, because I didn’t feel the usual giddy feeling I would…
Before it begins
My experience internationally has been slim, to say the least. Actually, if I’m honest, The most that I have ever traveled is west of the United States. Given that my travel experience is so limited I am extremely excited to be going abroad and studying in a large University so soon. I have always considered…
Going Abroad for the First Time
I’m a junior majoring in Screenwriting and I am about to go abroad for the first time in my life. The farthest I’ve been outside of my own country is Canada and that was when I was four years old, so I really don’t know what to expect. I have been doing my best to…
Queen Mary Pre-Study Abroad Post
Greetings to all of you who are or will be following my blog over the course of this semester! Before I say too much, allow me to give you a little background. My name is Peter Schaefer, and I am currently a senior who is pursuing a degree in economics. I am from just outside…
An Uncomplicated Guide to Snoring Roommates
All roommates have a fear: that their roommate will have that horrific quality, that mortifying condition. It goes by many names: the death rattle, the midnight muffler, the suffocating storm, but most people know it by its usual gerund: snoring. No matter how much people love their roommate, they may find snoring the relationship killer,…
QMUL Blog Entry 1: Pre-Departure Blog
In the Spring semester of 2017 I had made the choice to go and study abroad in the following semester, Fall 2017. The next major decision was to figure out where in the world I exactly wanted to go. So I sat down with my advisor and proposed my idea to go and study elsewhere,…