Hello Readers, I will be studying abroad at Queen Mary in London, UK. It’s always been my dream to live in London and I shall finally be fulfilling it this semester. I’m very excited about living on campus at the university. I’ve known other friends studying abroad that had to live in apartment complexes 20-30…
En Route to Dublin
Hello Letters to America readers! I am writing to you from a brightly lit, corner seat in the JFK International Airport in New York City. In a few hours, I will board a plane to Dublin, Ireland and begin my study abroad journey. This is my first blog ~ever~, so bear with me. I write…
Mid Semester Break- Samoa
For my mid semester break or spring break over here in NZ, me and 4 of my friends went on an adventure to Samoa. We stayed in the lithia sini beach fales for 7 days (fales means hut) and it was absolutely beautiful. We went all over the island and saw so many great places….
Packing and Re-Packing
Tetris. That’s what packing everything felt like this morning as I prepare for my French adventure. I had finally gotten everything zipped into my suitcase (something that proved to be far from easy). I was finally packed and ready to go…or so I thought. I thought it would be a good idea to weigh my…
New City, New Hairstyle…New Me?
So I’ve decided to cut my hair… He decidido cortar mi pelo. Tengo tres razones principales para esto. La primera es debido al clima. Cada día tengo que caminar hasta la academia donde me enseñan español, y el camino es mas o menos 30 minutos. En Oviedo la clima no es tan caloroso (en realidad…
Packing, Packing, and more Packing
Like my school work, I left my packing to the very last second. For a few weeks my fellow Paris peers have been texting and posting about packing, which probably should have been a good hint that I should start. Unfortunately I did not take the hint and I continued to ignore the signs. Last…
Taken from before we left
In addition to this blog, I’ve been keeping a written journal of my experiences this semester. I like the intimacy that comes with actually writing down my thoughts, it helps me meditate on my feelings. I’m taking a bit from journal while I was in the airport on 8-27. “Leaving Dad back at security was…
Auf Wiedersehen, America!
The papers were signed, the plane was booked, and with less than a week until I left, everything was going great! It was my last day of work for the summer, and I had quite the stumble. I broke my elbow, got two stiches in my lip, and scraped up my knee up. This posed…
Au Revoir, Hurricane Irma, Bonjour, Paris! Well, hopefully.
Well, it is almost that time! After spending a very long summer working retail, doing some accounting on the side, and trying my hand at aerial silks circus classes, I am very ready to board a plane and fly to Paris and begin the study abroad experience! And if we’re being very honest, it will…