When I was little, I loved flying. I loved the airports with their magical moving walkways, the planes with their brightly dressed flight attendants and, most importantly, the little pair of plastic wings I used to be given which basically made me the captain of the flight. Unfortunately, with many repeated years of traveling, the…
The History of DC Journalism
The most powerful story people can tell is their own. Today, professor of journalism Iris Krasnow gave our class its first assignment, and it amounted to this: visit an unfamiliar location in Washington, DC, and write about people who are familiar with it. Prof. Krasnow claimed she assigned this work only so that she could see how we write, but her assignment also…
Bali Dreamin’ – Pre Study Abroad Blog Post
Hello! My name is Haliny, I am a senior at Rollins and I study Philosophy and Latin American and Caribbean Studies. I am currently waiting at the airport of my home country (Brazil) to board to Bali, Indonesia for my semester abroad! I am very excited for this experience, Indonesia has been on the top…
Pre-Departure to Maynooth
Hello! Welcome to the first installment of my blog through which I hope to share the scintillating adventures and cultural collisions I encounter during my study abroad experience in Ireland. In only three days, I leave the U.S. for my longest stint abroad ever. I am excited for this opportunity as studying abroad for a semester has…
Currently Roming
As I sit on the floor of my bedroom, packing last minute as I usually do, I prepare myself both physically and mentally for my fall semester in Rome, Italy. I have traveled in Europe many times in my life so it is not a strange continent to me, I even spent one month in…
One Foot out the Door
So it has finally begun. I have been packing and preparing for days and finally on Friday morning I will be departing on my first ever trip to Europe. I’ll be studying in Ireland at Maynooth University right outside of Dublin and I luckily have two of my very best friends in the world embarking…
WSP First Last Day of Class
Have I mentioned I love my journalism professor? On Monday, Prof. Klein helped me secure an internship with the Washington Bureau of the Ohio-based newspaper the Columbus Dispatch. This means I will have the chance to report on Capitol Hill and meet political figures from around the country. Any journalist would kill for this kind…
One More Day
I cannot believe that a day from now I will be in a plane flying over the Atlantic. I know it sounds cliche, but I can’t believe this is actually happening. My bags are packed (very tightly), my tickets have been bought for months now, and I’ve said goodbye to everyone expect my family. I’ve…
My name is Lily Goodlive, and I am heading into my senior year. I am majoring in International Business and minors in economics and Spanish. I am very excited to spend another semester abroad! I am currently sitting at the airport waiting to board my flight to Rome. I spent the fall semester of 2016…