One of my favorite things about being in Madrid has been the ability to explore European and Spanish fashion. After wandering through the many streets filled with shops and boutiques, I have found that the fashion here is quite different than that in the United States. Something I’ve observed about European fashion is that their…
Experiencing Madrid
Experiencing the amazing country of Spain for the first time was an unforgettable experience rich with a deep culture. Studying outside my own familiar country and immersed in a brand new culture started out as quite an adjustment. First, being surrounded with only the Spanish language, both in school and with my host, was a…
Study Abroad: Spain – Summer 2017 (Candelario)
As part of our two mandatory trips for the study abroad program in Spain, my class and I took a trip to the small municipality of Candelario which is located within the province of Salamanca. With a population of less than 1000, this unique town is far from what I am accustomed to compared to…
I must say these past six weeks in Madrid have been very interesting and fun! I learned a lot from the program and I really appreciate Rollins for allowing this opportunity. The last three weeks of the program was filled with more food and traveling. One particular city that I loved was Candelorio. The city…
Verano Español — Barcelona
Throughout the second half of our program, there were so many great cultural activities and places I saw, but I think the most memorable place I visited was Barcelona. There was so much to see there that I definitely need to return some day to see the rest of the beautiful city. One of my…
Verano Español
Throughout the second half of our program, there were so many great cultural activities and places I saw, but I think the most memorable place I visited was Barcelona. There was so much to see there that I definitely need to return some day to see the rest of the beautiful city. One of my…
Flamenco show
On June 22nd our group went to a Falmenco show in Madrid. As we entered the place we saw lots of tables and a small stage where the dancers were going to dance. Luckily our tables were right in front of the stage so we could see very well. I have never seen flamenco before…
Candelario – Verano Español
As I’m sure any student will tell you, one of the best parts about studying abroad is how easy it is to travel to totally different places. During my six weeks in Madrid, I had the pleasure of traveling inside and outside of Spain. One of the most fun weekends we had during our six weeks was…
During the fourth weekend of the trip, some friends and I took advantage of having a free weekend and traveled to Barcelona, Spain. Instead of taking the usual travel method of flight, we decided to take an advanced form of transportation and rode the Renfe bullet train. Once we arrived in Barcelona, we immediately walked…
La Sagrada Familia
Coming home to a sea of family and friends filled with questions about my six weeks in Spain, the number one question that would always come up was, “what was your favorite part of Spain?”, and for a while I kept saying the culture and the ambiance of Spain. But in reality that wasn’t good…