So far my Verano experience has been fuera de este mundo! Pictures don’t give justice to the beauty that is throughout Spain. I’m so grateful that Rollins has given me this blessing to study abroad. These first three weeks have been amazing but seeing the city of Granada and touring the Real Madrid stadium have…
Real Palace de Madrid
The best experience from the group activities we have done was the time we went to the royal palace in Madrid. It’s the largest palace in all of Europe. I remembered the whole thing from the last time I came to Madrid. It was fun to go through the rooms with friends, and to re-experience…
Bernabéu Tour and Atlético Madrid Game
Being in Spain has been very interesting so far primarily because of the staggering differences in culture. The cultural event that I enjoyed the most was the tour of the Santiago Bernabeu as I am a big football fan. Walking up to the stadium was incredible because of how big the stadium actually is in…
Santiago Bernabéu Stadium
Before coming to Spain, I was completely excited, especially after taking Spanish Gastronomy with Prof. Paniagua-Tejo. After taking her class I had such high expectations of the food, the people, the scenery and the monuments, and I can truly say that these expectations have been met. Despite the negative attributes about a city, and the…
Verano Español
One of my favorite cultural activities that I went on during the first three weeks of the program was touring the Real Madrid soccer stadium, Santiago Bernabeu. This was an awesome experience for me because my whole life I was never really a big fan of soccer, but whenever the topic came up I would…
Palacio Real – Madrid
Visiting the Palacio Real was probably the activity that I have liked the most. When we got there I did not know what to expect and did not think it was going to be anything extraordinary. However when we went in I was amazed by the luxury, detail, and art that is displayed throughout the…
The day trip to Segovia was absolutely incredible. When I first heard that we’d be going to this small town for the day I wasn’t all that thrilled, but my feelings changed once I saw how beautiful it was. The day started off with lunch where we ate actual pig, with the feet still attached,…
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Summer
Summer is finally showing its radiant face here in London, and the parks are teeming with life and showcasing their beauty to their fullest extent. Sunlight turns to diamonds as it falls upon the water, while the trees become a soft symphony as the gentle breeze plays upon their leaves. Flowers of spring have turned…
The Shops of Madrid
One of my favorite activities at home that continues to be one of my favorite activities abroad is shopping. Aesthetics and clothes have always been very important to me, and I have been more than impressed with the retail side of Madrid. The city offers a wide range of shops, from extremely cheap British clothing…