I’d say today was long day, but honestly that past 48 hours has all muddled together into a muddy recollection of airports and buses and planes. No matter how tired I am, I am here. In Paris. A city I’ve only ever dreamed of. It is what I imagined? Well, from my first three hours,…
Blog 6
Anyone who knows anything about the University of Otago knows about the famous Hyde Street Party. The day is very similar to the Rollins College Fox Day, except it is always on a Saturday and is planned weeks in advance. In its history, the Hyde Street Keg Party (as it was originally named) was a…
Blog 4
The past two weeks have been full of beach trips and a little sight-seeing around the town of Dunedin. The closest beaches are St. Claire and St. Kilda which are known for surfing, but the coolest beach we’ve been to is Tunnel Beach. The entrance to this beach is, as the name implies, a tunnel…
Blog 3
The first week of classes was a huge culture shock for me coming from a small liberal arts college of less than 2,000 students when my first lecture had over 300 people in a room bigger than the Busch Auditorium at Rollins. I knew immediately that I would have a little trouble getting used to…
Blog 1
I believe that everyone sees the world a little differently. Your outlook in life is derived from all the experiences that you have had throughout your years. Coming from a very free-range and accepting childhood, my outlook on the world is wildly different from someone who was brought up in a sheltered and closed minded…
The Home Stretch
It’s getting to be that time of year when finals are fast approaching and paper deadlines are sneaking up. This semester has really flown by and I can’t believe that I will be leaving Ireland in a month. In this post, I really want to talk about the Irish educational system because it is much…
4 Weeks Out
As I return to campus for finals, I’ve realised how much time I have left. I’ll be leaving the UK in less than a month, and I cannot believe how time has flown. It really does feel like I’ve been gone for a week. London has become my second home, and I know I’ll miss…
Writing on the Gilis
I am finally on my last week of my research project! This final week is writing week, therefore I will be spending these next few days finishing and editing my 50 page research paper. My friend Maia and I chose the Gili Islands as our location for the writing period. Perhaps this was not the…