The journey I embarked on was transformative, immersing me in the daily life of Spain. My prior experience of independent living in a different state served as a baseline, but this journey added layers of complexity and richness by introducing the subtleties of a different country and its language. A substantial part of my daily…
Blog Post #1
An aspect of American culture I would like to talk about is American individualism. This aspect of U.S. culture emphasizes personal and moral worth of the individual. individuals are seen as independent and self-reliant and should aim to seek personal benefit. This concept encourages people to pursue their personal goals and values, often prioritizing personal…
Blog post #3
During my time abroad in Aix en Provance, France I observed through the lived experience with my hosts, through conversations with my peers, and in my public interactions that young adults in their mid-to-late twenties often live with their parents or in a family home. In addition to the more obvious motives for this lifestyle,…
Final Blog
One of the biggest cultural differences that I observed throughout my time abroad was the attitude difference in public environments in comparison to the United States. At least from where I am from it is very custom to simply smile or make small talk to complete strangers, but in Europe, more specifically Paris where I…
letters to America
Direct communication is a strongly held value in French culture. One day while I was on the bus with a few friends on our way to class, a woman started up a conversation with us. She just asked us where we were from etc. and the quick conversation naturally faded. But then all of a…
Final Blog Post
When I traveled to Italy I became part of the slower life movement where the importance of taking your time is most important. In America, people are accustomed to the opposite where we rush from home to work, getting to school on time, rushing to get our grocery shopping done, eating meals, etc. In Italy,…
final blog post
Mollie Deadwyler I really enjoyed my time studying abroad at the University of Oviedo! I only took classes at the Casa de Las Lenguas, but the classes were fun and the professors were nice. The town of Oviedo was a really amazing place where all the people were really friendly. The scenery was also very…
Interning in London
For the past 4 months, I had the opportunity to intern abroad in London at a company called CREOATE. During my time working there, I got to experience multiple cultural differences that enriched my time abroad and helped me immerse myself in the culture even more. One of the aspects that stood out to me…
Final Blog Prompt
I think one experience that will stick with me is a conversation I had with an Australian friend about the American news channel that is really popular in Australia that most people view and keep up to date on. We were discussing politics and she brought up some events I had no idea people abroad…