It has been my dream to visit London ever since I was little. This weekend I achieved that dream. Trying to experience London in 48 hours was a daunting task. To help see everything possible, my friend and I booked tickets for a hop-on hop-off double decker bus tour. The tour was great because it…
Dunedin and more
I’ve spent most of my time in and around Dunedin the last few weeks. My 21st birthday was last weekend – a cause for celebration! I went to a BYO at a Turkish restaurant and the food was wonderful (as was my $7 bottle of wine). My lovely friend Ariana surprised me by baking me…
12 Weeks In
I’ve definitely missed some blogposts… Sorry about that! The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. My sister came and left, I’ve had essays upon essays, and the term finally came to a close. I say finally, but this semester really did fly by; three months is nothing! I’m grateful I spread my work out,…
Sunny Days
Just when the temperature was starting to warm up and I was enjoying the sunny days, the rain came in and my hair grew out. At least while it was sunny, I made sure to take full advantage. Rooftops in Hong Kong are plentiful. Count all of the tall buildings and I can guarantee there…
Spatiotemporal Realities
Allan Kaprow, Yard, 1961 There are some things in life that are hard to think about complexly until you have had some sort of separation from them. This could apply to a relationship, an event in your life, that paper you wrote at 2 am last week that you could’ve sworn would one day be…
No Place- March 29 no. 2
In my most recent entry, I reckoned with a hypothesis on the spatiotemporal nature of a study abroad experience: you are removed in time and space from what can be considered your Reality and therefore are better able to reconsider that reality. Having this opportunity is wonderful and opens up so many opportunities for reflection…
New Zealand: Weekend in Welly
Hungry for a change of scenery and weather from chilly Dunedin, I decided to spend a weekend visiting a friend who is studying in Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city located on the north Island. The first thing I noticed about Wellington was the humidity; the air felt damp and the plants carried a heavy aroma…
↱ London ↰
I enjoyed the trip to Paris with my religion class; below are a few photos from the weekend. Saint-Denis Grand Mosque of Paris Sainte-Chapelle …
This is just one of my favorite things…
Time in London seems to fly by. I find it hard to imagine that I have been here for a number of months at this point. This monumental city has actually begun to feel like home. I’ve grown accustomed to the red double-decker buses and the rumbling of the tube underneath my feet, and I…
Approaching the end of the road.
I can not believe in less than a month I will be back in the United States of America. Having the opportunity to study abroad in London, United has been amazing. Studying abroad in the metropolitan city has caused me to understand the importance of culture, global citizenship, global healthcare, politics, civic engagement and personal…