For the most part, the homesickness has subsided, partially because my sister is coming to visit next week. Generally, though, I’ve really started to see London as my home away from home. I’ve developed close friendships with my flatmates and have gotten to spend a lot of time with them. I’m planning to get out…
I cannot believe that I have been in Ireland for 6 weeks! Where has the time gone? Learning more about the Irish culture, meeting family, and making new friends has made this an incredible experience so far. Classes are starting to pick up and are really interesting. While in Ireland, I have also been able…
So far so good :)
It’s crazy to think I’ve already been in this incredible country for just about a month, it’s stunning! Besides feeling like I’m living in google images, one of the best parts so far has been meeting a ton of new people and friends. Being able to wake up each day and think “where will today…
A month in New Zealand
It’s been almost a month since arriving in New Zealand, and I’ve already done so much here. My week-long orientation in Queenstown was jam-packed with cool activities such as hiking to the top of Queenstown Hill, luging, kayaking, and jet boating. After jet boating up the river, we “funyaked” back down it in these inflatable…
Sunny Days for my Birthday
So much seems to happen between these entries, I wish I had the time to write more, but I know by the time I’m done here I could fill a book with it all! So, I’ll start with the important things. First off, I’m a year older. I turned 21 on the 21st of February,…
Planet Provence
Life in Aix is busier than expected. Between work and school, the week is extremely busy, and time continues to fly exponentially. My internship is with a small company called Planet Provence, which offers customized & private luxury tours to discover Provence and Corsica. My job consists of helping create private wine tour packages, writing…
Eating My Way Through Hong Kong
Aside from my usual order of the BBQ pork and rice at the school canteen, I have tried to explore the wide variety of food available in Hong Kong. My first “foodie” adventure started when two of my mainland China friends invited me and two of my exchange friends to a hotpot restaurant. Now I…
The Lock Up- Feb 25th
Many of the people reading this know that back home in the States I have been known to enjoy being engaged in efforts to promote the arts in my community. Whether that be through getting involved at the Cornell Fine Arts Museum or through my therapy and teaching practice at OCA, I have a fond…
UoN Faculty of Fine Art- Feb 23rd
Yesterday I woke up early (early for my Aussie vacation aka 9 am) and embarked on a long trek across the continent that is he University of Newcastle. It took me twenty minutes to walk from the residential end of campus to the end where Orientation ( and therefore the food) was located. I feel…
The Plague, Night Clubs, and Baths Hewn from Stone- Feb 19th
On the morning of Day 4, I awoke with a strange and unfamiliar tickle in the back of my throat. It was uncomfortable, but manageable after seeking some throat spray from Stuart the Uni Pharmacist. However, over the next couple of days my symptoms continually morphed into fever, chills, headaches, painful coughing fits, and a…