Throughout my life, I have held a thirst for adventure and a love of culture. I think it most likely started as a result of living in the south of France for part of my childhood. My parents brought me up in a way that always encouraged venturing outside of my comfort zone, trying new…
Home, but not for long
Leaving Ireland to come back to the States was very hard. I was excited to see my family, but I really miss all the people and places I left behind. A medical emergency at home made this Christmas break very hard, but at least everything turned out alright in the end. It’s been great having…
Did I Come Home?
December 22. I was suppose to land home today but I did not. December 23. 03:30. I finally arrived at the MCO airport after a 3 hour delay in Newark, New Jersey. December 24. Noche Buena. The most important holiday in a my household, but luckily this year I got to spend it home without…
Home Sweet Home
Happy New Year! As of today, I have officially been home for 2 weeks. Quite honestly, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind seeing family and friends, celebrating the holidays, running around preparing for next semester, etcetera. I feel like I just got home yesterday and now I’m less than a week away from moving…
Back to my homeland!
Looking back on my journey, it still seems surreal that I spent three entire months in Ireland. Although there are many differences between Ireland and the United States, Ireland was a very easy place to adapt to. I went on many adventures and met some pretty amazing people along the way. There were many times…
After 107 in Europe, you don’t realize how much you have learned till you get home. After sharing stories with friends and family, you realize you experienced once in a life time memories with certain people. Before this semester, I have only been out of the country for cruises. Now I know how much there…
Back to America
Hello Everyone! I am finally back in America, and let me tell you it feels so great to be home. This was the first time I was ever out of the country and away from my family and friends so seeing them was fantastic. It felt so good to be able to hug my mom…
And im home!
And just like that my studying abroad experience is over. I can’t believe it. Finally I am back on U.S. soil and while it’s great to be home I truly do miss being abroad in London and with all of my new friends that I made throughout my time abroad. The plane ride home was…
Finally stateside
The semester is over; 2016 wraps to a close. I spent about six months outside of the country this year traveling to Ecuador, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan, and China. I can’t emphasize enough how much there is to learn by expanding your horizons in a literal sense as well as mentally. The unique…
The Journey Continues
As many of my peers and I crammed finals in, many were getting ready to head back to the United States, I on the other hand am spending the next month here in Europe until school in WP starts back up. This journey has been an incredible experience and I believe it is a crime…