My semester in Australia was packed with wonderful new experiences and lots of travel! I learned about the reality of sustainable practices and have gained countless skills and techniques to reduce impacts on our environment, that I plan to implement and share with those in my life. The time I spent in Byron Bay, Sydney,…
Lancaster Blog Post #3
Before arriving in England, I characterized the English as much more polite than Americans. For a while, I did not notice a big difference in their personality; I thought the opposite. As someone from the regional south in the US, the lack of small talk and smiling-in-passing contributed to my view of the British being…
Letters to America: Japan, Final Post
Having the privilege to experience another country and culture for four months has given me much perspective and opportunity to grow as an individual. Our semester started earlier than that of the Japanese students, so we had an easeful transition into our new daily routines. Once the Japanese students began their semester on campus, I…
Final Reflection – Ecuador
While I was in Ecuador, we traveled to many different “habitats” in the environmental sense (the Andean highlands, the cloud forest, the Amazon, the coast, etc.). The culture was equally rich and diverse in each of these ecologically diverse regions. Thinking back to my experience in coastal Ecuador, I had traveled to the small town…
Blog Post #3
Reflecting on cultural differences, I recall my initial impressions on the first day abroad during our internship orientation. We explored perceptions of the British workplace, highlighting their focus on professionalism, a value for work-life balance, and a formality distinct from the U.S. or other cultures. Additionally, people mentioned the perception of dry humor among the…
ISA: American University of Rome
As I finish my study abroad in Rome, I look back at these last four months and am delighted that I decided to do this. Throughout the months leading up to my departure, I was thrilled and excited to explore the Eternal City, which is constantly bustling with life and moving around. While my expectations…
Final vlog post
As an objective observer not knowing what I know today I could view the Japanese as a little unapproachable or cliquey to an outsider. I found out from my Japanese friends that they join or are part of a circle, like a club. These clubs are a tight knit group and can be restricted with time consuming …
Greece: CYA Athens Study Abroad Experience
Studying abroad in Greece was an amazing experience, one which allowed me to see how differently various cultures operate from day to day. It was filled with various encounters that I would think to myself, ‘you would never see this in America’. One of such observations that sticks out is the informality of the business…
Isa: The American University of Rome
The cultural difference I observed while in Rome is the difference in apparel. After a couple days in Italy, I noticed that the daily outfit choices of people walking around the streets is much different than in the United States. In the USA, a lot of people wear athletic “leisurely” clothing such as leggings, running…
Final Blog Post
Studying abroad these past few months in the south of France, specifically Aix-en-Provence has significantly opened my eyes to wonders, and differences of culture in Europe versus the United States. Specifically in France, there can be some negative stereotypes towards the French people, but I tried my best to not listen to those premonitions, and…