It’s been a week since I got back to the States. I can’t believe that a week ago I was living a different life half way across the globe! It’s bittersweet to be back. On one hand I missed my dog and family so much, on the other I already miss the place that quickly…
Jabberwalky: How to Survive the Lewis Carroll Walk
When I was 15, I went on a classics reading spree. For about three weeks, I was really into the Penguin Classics section at the nearby Books-A-Million, and I read probably eight or nine books in that time, judging by the number still sitting on my shelves at home. One of those books was Alice’s…
Fall Break round 2
Ciao, it is mid-november, freezing cold, no heating, peacoats and sweaters are out, and I am still thoroughly enjoying Rome. Last two weekends I stayed in Rome after a fun filled weekend in Florence with our ISA program. I explored more of Rome I have yet to see. Tomorrow I leave for Munich and Austria…
7 Cities. 10 Days.
Maynooth’s fall break was a couple of weeks ago and let me tell you, I took full advantage of that week. My friend Ellen and I embarked on our ambitious #7cities10daysworldtour2k16 adventure on Friday with a flight to Rome, Italy. We stayed at a hostel there for 2 days and met up with Emily (fellow tar,…
Blog Post 10/19
The past two weeks have been loaded loaded loaded with exciting things! My classes have been filled with enlightening field trips, eye-opening discussions, and interesting conferences. In my London Across literature, History, and Film class we went on a field trip to the British Museum, one of the most breathtaking places I have ever been…
Blog Post 10/5
It is unbelievable to me that I have been here for almost a month. The past two weeks have been filled with a mix of exciting moments and frustrating struggles. The events that I’ve experienced during the past days have shown me how much I have grown and matured during my time here, despite it…
Blog Post 9/21
My third Wednesday in London is coming to an end, signaling the start of my fourth week in this wonderful city. These past few days have been a whirlwind of adventures and emotions, which fills me with excitement about what’s coming next. On Wednesday, September 7th, I arrived at my new London flat feeling…
The Calm Before the Travel
These last two weeks have been going by slowly. For one, I haven’t taken any trips on my own because they are all planned for November. Secondly, we have had excursions with our supervisor Ana. The first excursion we took was during the first weekend of November and we went to Leon! This was one…
No llores por mi Argentina…
I know I’m super late with this goodbye post. The truth is I didn’t want to face the truth that my time in Buenos Aires is over 🙁 It’s been such as incredible experience and I think it’s time to reflect on all the great experiences and some of the challenges I faced. Also time…
Over the study break I had the opportunity to visit Edinburgh. I travelled by myself and felt quite lonely. It was exciting to have such a wonderful adventure but I was sad that I had no one to share the experience with. I stayed with a Polish couple I found on AirBnB. They were wonderful…