Ok, so I am not really sure how to do this. But, here it goes. I am back in America. I had to leave Jordan early due to medical circumstances. The fabulous people at SIT are letting me complete my semester with full credits from here in the US because the circumstances were emergent. But…
Japan: A Side Final
Hello and goodnight! I didn’t get to post before Halloween, before my Tokyo trip. To be honest, that weekend I wanted to call the whole trip off. But I didn’t, and the reasons and the carnage and the life changing events that ensued afterwards will have to wait for Japan: B Side. So to end…
I write this with a lot of mixed emotions. I just finished my last final of my study abroad experience. A lot of my friends have been done for a while now, but I had my hardest final to date today. Don’t get me wrong – I am elated to be done with class, and…
Ciao Italia
I’m back in Ireland after two weeks in Italy, and it somehow seems to have gotten even colder while I was away. Italy was wonderful, and it was so great to be able to wear shorts after three months of pants! I had been to Italy a few years ago, and I knew that I…
Study Abroad: The Gray Area
I’m at the halfway point in the semester where I’m feeling a lot of things about my abroad trip. Aix has become a home to me – not to the same extent as my home home, but enough of a home where I can crave my bed even whilst gallivanting around metropolitan Scotland. I’m happy to…
Blog Post 11/2
These past two weeks have been filled with excitement and interesting sights. My classes have been teeming with interesting content and hands-on activities that have truly enhanced my experience here in London. In my “London Across Literature” Class, we have been reading a book titled “The Buddha of Suburbia.” This text narrates the story of…
Cinque Terre, Prague, and Amsterdam
Ciao! I needed a vacation from my vacation during Fall break. Tuesday morning we left for Cinque Terre at 6 am and arrived at 10. We spent the day there hiking and enjoying the view and eating lots of food. We bought a hostel only to sleep for 5 hours and then leave and 4…
Return from Fall Break
Happy Election Day! I’m over in France, terrified about the state of the world in the next twelve hours, as is every other study abroad student at my school. What a way to celebrate. Let’s not think about that. In other news, I have just returned from Fall Break, a ten day pause in life…