Hello, its Mikolaj Geritz again. Sorry that there weren’t any posts from me in a while, but because of unknown reasons I was unable to access my account. Therefore I will sum up what happened during this month of October. In the first week of this month me and a couple of my classmates went on…
My Final Goodbyes
This is it. I have ONE day left in New Zealand. ONE. That just blows my mind that my incredible journey has come to an end. This place has taught me so much, mostly about myself more than anything else since I didn’t like my classes all that much. However, I never would have been…
Crowds of Fun!
Where do I begin…(again)? I apologize for the delay; I have been quite busy with schoolwork as we just finished most of our midterms. However, the biggest reason for the delay is, no matter what I do, on my phone or laptop, I cannot access the Rollins website. As a result, I’ve sent this to…
Only a Couple Weeks Left!
It’s hard to believe that I will be leaving this beautiful country in two weeks. Who know that 5 months could fly by so quickly. These past couple of weeks have been again mostly filled with studying for my four finals. Two of them are this Monday in fact. Last week, a couple of friends…
Internship Hunting
I’ve officially been in Germany for two months this week! It’s honestly been a crazy ride, but on the bright side, I’ll be home cuddling my dog in 55 days. Yes, I’ve already started a countdown. I’ll only be home for about two weeks, but it will be nice to be home for the holidays…
Walking on a glacier!
My computer charger has decided it does not want to work anymore. The struggle is real. Well, this past weekend was probably the coolest one ever. I flew to Patagonia on Friday morning (3 am :S) and spent 2 days in El Calafate. Patagonia is absolutely beautiful! I have never seen a landscape like that…
Last minute exploring
Hey guys!! I cannot believe I am sitting here writing this. I have a little over 2 weeks left in Dunedin and it is starting to sink in that pretty soon I will be back home. The past week and a half we have had no classes in order to allow people to prepare for…
October 3rd-17th: Falling in love with London
Looking back on the first two weeks of October, my time in London seems to be a blur. By the second week of classes (the first week of October) my excitement of being in London had only increased and was still on the rise. My classes were all covering more and more interesting information. I…
Freshers Week and the First Week of Class
The date today is October 26th so I’ve obviously fallen behind on my blogposts. All I can say is my time spent here at QMUL has been a whirlwind of activities, classes, new places, and new people. Freshers week at QMUL is essentially an orientation week for the new freshmen students and I felt very…