I just got back from a 2 week excursion to Morocco! It was absolutely beautiful! We stayed in 4 different cities, Rabat, Fes, Marrakech and Casablanca and while we were there we took classes about the gender differences in their culture and did guided tours throughout each city. My favorite parts about the trip were…
Halfway Through
Things in Jordan have gotten a lot more interesting. For starters, I spent last week in the Badia (tribal, rural area) of Jordan. How different life can be sometimes. I thought Amman was so different from Orlando? Try Al-Rajif from Amman from Orlando. The culture of Al-Rajif is conservative and tribal. The people of the…
Some Ramblings
I’ve been here for over a month now. I still feel like a guest in France’s home, but Aix-en-Provence is definitely settling into my bones. I require real French cheese at least once a day. I’m sad when the outdoor markets aren’t open. I’ve also developed an addiction to madelines, some sort of God-sent muffin-cookie…
Less Than a Month Left :(
These past couple weeks have been a bit uneventful but I really felt like I just need some down time without having to worry about planning trips and just focus on school for a bit. This past week was the last week of lectures which is so hard to believe. I can’t believe that 4…
Last Month Here
Its hard for me to believe that I’ve been here for 4 months already. In the moment it feels like time was going slow and well spent, but when I look back at it its hard to believe that classes are already over. How am a I already done…
A triple whammy
Oh my goodness! Since the last time I posted on here, I got to do one of the COOLEST trips I’ve taken in New Zealand. I got to go to Milford Sound! It’s known as the 8th wonder of the world – that should tell you enough about its beauty. Unfortunately, Milford Sound is in…
Finding Balance
In my last post, I mentioned going to Prague and also Cannstatter Volksfest. Prague was beautiful, and I would love to visit again when I get the chance. I fell in love with the city. The Volksfest was also quite the experience, though I enjoyed the carnival rides and game booths more than the tents…
One month in!
Ciao! I can not believe that I am about a third of the way through my time in Rome! It seems to go so fast once you get into the routine of it. These past two weeks have been filled with classes, wandering about Rome, and a trip to Venice with my art conservation class….
London Week 5
10/11/16 Today I started week 5 of classes! I just got back from my trip to Barcelona, Spain this morning at 1 AM, so I was a little tired throughout the day. My experience here has been amazing. Now that we are on a roll with classes, classwork, and traveling, there is no time being…