(Flashback) Today we had to be at Capa around 8am in order to catch our bus heading towards Stonehenge and Bath. So far, there hasn’t been a need for me to be at Capa before my usual morning class time, 9:30am, so I experienced a slight struggle getting up so early. Im not sure if…
Has it really been a month?
Hello everyone! So apparently it has already been a month since I started my semester abroad in the UK. It really only seems like it has been a week or so. Time is going away so fast… So last week I did a lot of fun things at my internship! On monday we had “green monday”…
Happy One Month: Me + Ireland <3
So it has been a little over 4 weeks since I have arrived at Maynooth and it honestly feels like I have been here much much longer (in the best way). The past two weeks have consisted of a lot of pubs, Dublin trips, and planning for the future. Also classes have started to pick…
Non-stop traveling
The past 2 weeks since my last post have been incredible; filled with traveling, sightseeing, and practically no sleep. The first weekend following my previous post, we went to Berlin and Munich, Germany. Berlin was beautifully cultured, with remains of the Berlin Wall situated right outside our hostel. Other amazing structures, like the Reichstag Building,…
Learning outside the classroom
One of the coolest things about classes at CAPA is the opportunity to explore the city as part of the curriculum and learn from the city around us. Classes and learning at CAPA extend far past the four walls of the CAPA building; making London our living, breathing classroom. Both of my non-internship classes explore…
Keeping in touch while abroad
One of the things I was most anxious about before coming to London was how I was going to communicate with my family and friends. I was worried that it would be complicated or expensive but in reality it’s a lot simply than I anticipated. My flatmates and I decided to wait until we got…
Busy busy busy!
Although there are tons of things that I love about Japan so far, the friendliness of the Japanese students at Kansai Gaidai is one the best. If you sit still for too long, you are almost guaranteed to have a student approach you to practice their Japanese or make a new friend. One girl that…
Bullet Train to Hangzhuo
National Day was declared the morning of the beginning of October for seven days. Classes were cancelled and everyone travels all over the country to different locations. The occasion? The founding of People’s Republic of China. It’s like Chinese Independence Day, except it goes on for a week. We were granted permission to travel wherever…
September 18th – October 2nd: Barcelona-Munich-Prague
Well it has been exactly a month since I have arrived in Spain. I have been doing a lot of travelling ever since I have arrived in Spain. The weekend of September 23rd, my friends and I visited Barcelona. Barcelona is a beautiful city. While in Barcelona, I visited Sagrada Familia, Parc Güell, Picasso Museum,…
my almost-one-month ireland-versary post
So I have been here at Maynooth for almost a month now and it seems crazy. I feel like I have been here forever but also like I just got here a week ago. Weird how that works. Anyways, life has been interesting to say the least. Last Saturday, I finally made my way into…