My first cultural observation took place when I visited the Emergency Room in Paris. After hitting my head and experiencing concussion symptoms, I thought it would be best to get evaluated by a professional. When I arrived at the hospital, I was met with shortness and indifference from the nurses. After waiting for several hours,…
Blog Post #3
In Japan there are many social rules that should be followed and as a study abroad student, I would not have known unless I researched or Japanese people told me. Most of these rules are made to not bother other people around such as staying quiet in public areas and even sometimes in private…
Return from the Land of Fire and Ice (blog post #3)
Ironically enough, Icelanders are a very cold people; they tend to be a bit blunt and standoffish. Which I found presented a few interesting interactions that put me and my peers into situations that could’ve been resolved with little explanation and conversation. I think it made for very confrontational moments. Especially with the culture of…
Blog Post 3
I found that many people in New Zealand viewed Americans, and particularly Floridians, through a stereotypical lens. Several times, when asked where I was from, people would respond by talking about ‘Florida man’, beaches, and uneducated people. Someone also called me ‘swamptrash’ because I was from Florida. I was also asked by a few people…
Blog Post #3
While studying in Australia the cultural difference that stood out to me the most would probably be the fact that in Australia there is an Acknowledgment of Country. Before presentations, speeches, sporting events and more someone will say give an Acknowledgement of Country. This includes stating that the land that they are on does not…
Blog Post #3
One of the significant differences between America and Australia that I saw while abroad is the culture surrounding our respective Indigenous peoples. I observed this firsthand and was also fortunate to have learned a lot about this in an Aboriginal studies class that I took where we focused on the history of Australia’s Indigenous peoples,…
Blog Post #3
One cultural experience that stands out to me now that I am back in the USA is the prevalence of acknowledging country in relation to indigenous Australians. An acknowledgement of country essentially involves paying respect to the indigenous people who inhabited the land prior to colonization. These acknowledgments focus on the specific community that occupied…
Blog #2
One thing that I have learned during my time abroad in France is that the many stereotypes surrounding France are quite wrong. Coming into France, I was quite worried I was going to be dealing with quote on quote rude people, especially if I could not speak French very well. So far, I have been…
Blog post #2
One aspect of French culture that has stood out to me while studying abroad here has been the importance placed on long lunches. When I first arrived, it caught me off guard that many businesses around town close for a few hours during the lunch hours of the day. Both food and the benefits of…
Blog Post #2
Since living in France I have noticed the difference in value placed on time, especially when it comes to work. One of the first weekends here, my host mom told me that we need to plan out our meals ahead of time because everything will be closed on Sunday. This is still a fact I…