19 September 2016 Today marks my 27th day in Bremen. Between the last two weeks I have visited three new cities: Osnabrück, Hanover and Paris, France. I have walked, ran and jogged across stretches of streets enriched with culture and history. With over hundreds of miles under my belt, I could not be more grateful…
First Two Weeks in Oviedo, Spain
The first two weeks in Oviedo, Spain, has been great. The first night in Spain, I stayed in Madrid where we meet up with a friend who toured us around. We went on a boat ride, explored the city, and obviously tried tapas. That morning we left for Oviedo where we met up with the…
Oviedo, Spain, Study Abroad
I am absolutely excited to study abroad in Oviedo, Spain for the fall semester! I have been dying to experience Europe and Rollins gives the perfect opportunity to do so. I am an international business major, so this will give me a taste of what it is like to immerse myself in a different country…
So, I made it to Lancaster University, suitcase somehow in hand. I waited a mere ten minutes at the baggage carousel in the Manchester Airport before my blue-tagged, purple bag came down the shoot, and I felt an instant sense of relief. That relief somehow stayed with me as I caught a train to the Lancaster…
Week 2
I have officially been in Spain for 15 days, which coincidentally enough is the same amount of time that my host mom said it would take me to understand her completely. While I don’t think I’m exactly there yet, I feel like I’m getting better everyday and I understand almost everything she says now. Last…
Today officially marks my first week here and it has been quite a journey. I find myself saying “what is Jordan?” about 89% of the time because this place can be quite confusing. I am in the Middle East, I recognize that. It is kind of hard not to, honestly. I look, speak, act and…
Shanghai, Xi’an, and Wuxi
First month down in China! Phew, I can certainly say it has been quite interesting so far. My trip began with a fellow Rollins classmate, Jonathan, when we flew four days early to China to try to adjust to the jet lag sooner. During that time, we visited an underground market in a subway station…
It’s crunch time
Ahhh! 3 days late on my blog post because school work has been insane lately! We are nearing the end of classes (3 weeks left) and all those last minute papers and readings need to be done. I wrote 2 papers in 2 days, and it’s safe to say that I am exhausted. I need…
Week One: Down
After a really rough arrival involving a rude customs agent, being threatened with deportation, and getting lost multiple times, I finally arrived in Ireland. Not a very auspicious first day. But, I decided to make the best of it, and luckily I already knew two girls from Rollins who were also going to Maynooth. The bus…