Guys I have been in London for about a week now! Can you believe it? I am actually studying abroad abroad. I wont lie, the cultural shock is pretty hard to overcome but I am trying to adapt as quick as possible so I get to enjoy London even more! I have awesome news to…
Week One in Oviedo
My first week in Spain has felt non-stop. After spending less than 24 hours in Madrid, I flew to Oviedo. From there I met my host mom, and we immediately started classes the next day. After a week, I feel adjusted to Oviedo and the time change. I was not prepared for all the hills…
Rollins in Shanghai – The trip to Xian
Hello again and welcome to the continuation of my story in Shanghai. Over the last two weeks quite a lot of things occurred. 2 weeks ago we, the members of the Alliance program, officially started our semester in SUFE. We have classes 4 days per week, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Such a system exists…
Rome thus far
Ciao, since I forgot to post my pre departure I guess I feel the need to update people on whats been going on before arriving in Rome. I was visiting family in Ireland and England for a month before arriving in Rome. I was able to adjust to the time difference and change, and the…
Spain, Spain, and More Spain!
After being in Spain for a week, it feels like I haven’t had a minute to rest, let alone time to sit down and write about my experiences. I have blisters on my feet, I have gotten lost at least once, almost all of my clothes are dirty, but I am having the most amazing…
I’m Going to Dublin Ya’ll.
To be honest this blog post has a required topic and I’m not 100% clear on what that is sooo here goes a genuine attempt. Ya’ll. I’m going to FREAKING IRELAND. For 14 weeks. I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be writing about my goals/expectations for the halfway point of this semester. First of all,…
Au Revoir, America
Welp. Here I am. Not in France yet, but closer than I’ve ever been before. I’m sitting in London Heathrow, waiting for the afternoon to arrive so I can board a plane to Marseille, a city a half-hour from Aix. London Heathrow is a familiar yet unfamiliar void, filled to capacity with crowds and shops…
Do things ever go as planned?
The day I leave to study abroad has finally arrived. I am just now waking up and it is 6am! I have a few errands to run before I leave this afternoon; those of which include getting a haircut and going to a doctor’s appointment (fun right?) My plan is to be back home before…