We arrived in Shanghai to a hotel near the bund. The morning I woke up I looked out my window to see senior ladies doing Tai-Chi in front of a Starbucks. When I saw this, I truly felt like I had arrived. We ventured into the area of Old Shanghai to explore the area. Old…
Adventure of a Lifetime
This post is a bit late but for good reason! I just got home from the greatest 10-day road trip adventure that I’ve ever had! My friends Ailin and Kelcie and I left Dunedin at 6am last Friday morning to drive up to Kaikoura for a few day hikes and to see some seal pups….
No Bad Pictures
This past week will be one that I will be able to cherish for the rest of my life. I don’t think there is a better way to see New Zealand than road tripping with 9 of your closest friends, so thats exactly what I did. I had never been on a road trip like this…
Study Abroad, Oviedo, Spain
I am absolutely excited to study abroad in Oviedo, Spain for the fall semester! I have been dying to experience Europe and Rollins gives the perfect opportunity to do so. I am an international business major, so this will give me a taste of what it is like to immerse myself in a different country…
First week of classes
First week of classes is done! I guess I should say half week because I only have class Monday through Wednesday here. I also love all of the classes I am taking and everyone at the school is so nice. So far, I love everything about this place. I walk around and I literally cannot…
London, I’m coming for you!
Hi everyone! In less than a week I will be starting my semester abroad in London and I could not be more excited. This will be my first time in London but not my first time studying abroad… see, I am an international student from Venezuela and I have actually studied in places like Canada and…
Spring Break in August
2 days late – but for a good cause! I just went on the coolest trip of my life. This last week was “Spring Break” (so weird because it’s cold!!) in New Zealand. 10 of my friends and I rented cars and went road tripping! We got to see SUCH cool things. I got to…
Pre-departure to Oviedo
Well the moment has finally come, and I am on my way to Oviedo. I spent my summer in Orlando and it was quite relaxing, hanging out with friends and family, but now I am ready for my semester in Spain. Though I have travelled outside the United States twice, once to New Zealand and…
Last day home
it’s crazy, to think that in less than 24 hours I will begin a journey I have long dreamed of. My parents have wondered what it is about the Middle East that has fascinated me for so long, and to be honest I don’t have a good answer for them. Maybe going to Jordan will…
Rocky Start
It’s been about a week since I’ve arrived here in my new college town, Reutlingen. Adjusting has been okay so far, but it’s only the first week, so it still feels like a vacation to me. Today, we started our first official day of intensive business German and honestly I’m a bit disappointed in the…