Studying abroad in Madrid this summer was a once in a lifetime experience. The second three-week period I had the opportunity to visit Candelario, Barcelona, Castillo de Granadilla, and Ibiza. My favorite places were Candelario and Ibiza. In Candelario there were streams of fresh water flowing throughout the city, beautiful views of the mountains and…
The city that never flooded
One trip that stood out to me the most is the trip to a deserted town near Candelario. This city is surrounded by abandoned homes, old walls, and a great lake, that was once thought to eventually flood this magnificent city. The story is that at one point many of the locals were told to…
Hasta Luego Madrid
These last three remaining weeks in Spain has been absolutely amazing. After enjoying the first three weeks, I thought that this trip couldn’t have gotten any better but boy was I wrong. Since then, I have been able to travel throughout Spain a tad bit more where I had the opportunity to visit Candelario, San…
Madrid, España
When I first arrived in Madrid, I had no idea what to expect; however, I definitely learned a lot and had a great experience. One thing I learned very quickly was how to use public transportation. I had taken the bus and metro before but never alone so I was fairly nervous at first. That…
Gracias, España
As I sit at the airport drinking my café con leche, it is hard to believe that my six weeks in Spain have come to an end. My second three weeks in Madrid were just as wonderful as the first three. They were spent meeting new friends from other countries, tasting different foods, and exploring…
EM time in Germany is very special. We might have many sports in the US that the majority of people follow and get excited about, but it isn’t like that in Germany. For Germans, the EM and WM are major events that allow them to show their German pride and support their country. During these…
Fußball in Germany
After living in Germany for almost four weeks, I have been able to catch the start and the finish of the European soccer games. Here in Germany I can tell that soccer is very important to this country, it unites everyone together for a short period of time. You can see if everywhere you travel…
Bryce Laigle
While we have been here now for the past three weeks the entire time the Euro Cup has been underway. There have been several times that we went to a restaurant in order to watch the game. I have found that sports are a huge part of the German culture unlike the USA. What I…