It is fairly obvious that Fußball plays an important role in Deutschland. My Gästvater watches all the Europa Meisterschaft games, and for the big Deutschland games the Gästefamilie gets together with the neighbors to drink, eat, and cheer the team along, celebrating each goal with a shot of Schnapps. The little girls of both families…
Blog 3
On our way back from Poland to Berlin, two other Americans were on our bus. They had traveled to Poland for the day solely to watch the Poland- Switzerland game in Poland. Their trip wasn’t for cheaper beer or better quality TV connection. The camaraderie and excitement of sports is electrifying, especially when everyone watching…
Soccer in Germany
In the United states we have the three major sports football, baseball and basketball. Many people enjoy all three sports but it is very rare to find someone who religiously follows more than one. As the European Championships go on, it is easy to recognize the role sport plays in Germany. By sport I mean…
Sports in Germany and Italy
Across the West, from the United States to Germany to Italy, sports are a group event. In one way or another, people congregate to cheer on their favorite team. In the United States, we tailgate or throw Superbowl parties. In Münster, Germany, TVs lined the streets outside of bars, allowing dozens of strangers to crowd…
Blog 3
This picture is not really great, but it is of the Mensa in Munster and when Germany is playing this fenced off area is packed full of people. One night I headed over there, with no knowledge that Germany was playing, and to my surprise the Mensa was packed. Everyone was wearing a soccer jersey…
Hasta Luego, Madrid
Following a rather rocky transition into Spain, my last three weeks of the program have come to be the best twenty-one days of my life. While overcoming homesickness and learning to enjoy unfamiliarity, I now regard Madrid as one of my favorite cities. With beauty at every corner and a vibrant culture amongst all residents,…
The Adventure Begins
Hey Y’all! I’m currently experiencing an outrageous amount of emotions as I await my 11 hour flight to Fiji in the LAX international airport. I’m stressed, I’m excited, I’m sad to leave my friends and family, but most of all I’m anxious to see what this incredible adventure has in store for me! This will…
8,152 Miles Away from Home
As I write this, I’m sitting at Tom Bradley International at LAX waiting for my flight. After months of waiting and excitement, today is finally the day that I say goodbye to America to study abroad in New Zealand. My mind is racing, wondering about all the adventures that I hope to have while abroad….
Britain votes to leave the EU Germany is waking up this morning to an EU where its second largest economy has just voted to leave the Union. For Germany this is particularly significant since issues of immigration and acceptance of refugees have probably tipped the balance in the election. Germany has been the voice in Europe pleading that others take…
Blog 2
The last three weeks in Spain for me have been very enjoyable. It has been filled with shopping, traveling, eating authentic Spanish food, and spending times with friends in Madrid. Traveling is something that I have really been enjoying lately seeing as in the past three weeks I have been to Barcelona, Candelario, and San Sebastian….